Cargo Fire TEST switch is pushed, and fire bottle discharge squib circuit continuity is normal.
Detector Select (DET SELECT) Switches
NORM: Detection loop A and B are active.
A: Detection loop A is active.
B: Detection loop B is active.
Illuminated (amber):
One or more of the selected detection loop(s) in either cargo compartment has failed.
PUSH: Illuminates the DETECTOR FAULT light for a test.
Cargo Fire TEST Switch
PUSH: Tests circuits for both forward and aft cargo fire detector loops and suppression system.
Note: See Cargo Fire System Tests in Section 20.
Cargo Fire ARM Switches
FWD ARMED: Extinguisher armed for the forward cargo compartment.
AFT ARMED: Extinguisher armed for the aft cargo compartment.
Note: If the first bottle has discharged and the system remains armed, the second bottle discharge is inhibited upon landing. The second bottle discharge timer is disabled when the system is disarmed.
Cargo Fire (FWD/AFT) Warning Lights
Illuminated (red):
At least one detector in each loop detects smoke.
With power failed in one loop, at least one detector on the remaining loop detects smoke.
Note: Master FIRE WARN lights illuminate and fire warning bell sounds.
Cargo Fire Bottle Discharge (DISCH) Light
Illuminated (amber): Indicates that either extinguisher bottle has discharged or pressure is low.
Cargo Fire Discharge (DISCH) Switch
PUSH: If the system is armed, discharges the first extinguisher bottle. The timer is set for 15 minutes to discharge the second extinguisher bottle.