A320 Primary Flight Display


The Primary Flight Display (PFD) displays all the primary flight indications necessary for short-term aircraft control, that is: 

  • Attitude (pitch, roll), lateral acceleration/sideslip indication,
  • Attitude protections, side stick orders on the ground,
  • Flight path angle and drift angle (on pilot’s request),
  • Guidance (flight director or flight path orders),
  • Magnetic heading and selected heading or track, plus A/C drift angle,
  • Airspeed and associated selections (manual or automatic), plus all speed limits (flight envelope protection limits, high lift devices retraction/extension speeds, etc…),
  • Baro altitude and associated selections (manual or automatic) and baro reference setting, plus flight profile deviation,
  • Vertical speed,
  • Radio altitude and Decision Height,
  • Vertical deviation (glide/slope or other vertical deviation indication),
  • Lateral deviation (localizer or other lateral deviation indication),
  • Marker beacon indications
  • AFS status (engagement status, armed/active modes,…)
  • Other specific messages from AFS or EFCS.