Precautions During Adverse Weather

The following actions must be taken during adverse weather or monsoon conditions to make safer airport operations.

  1. Secure the aircraft properly as per recommendations given by the aircraft manufacturer.
  2. Apply chokes on both sides of the wheel of the aircraft.
  3. General aviation aircraft or small aircraft should moor with mooring stones.
  4. Avoid going near turboprop aircraft until it stops and propeller blades are secured by lacing.
  5. Engage Jack Plates and Chokes for making equipment stabilized on the apron.
  6. Look out for unsecured/unattended equipment on the apron, if any. Retrieve and secure them to their designated areas.
  7. Vehicles should be parked with hand breaks-ON.
  8. Step Ladders be parked safely.
  9. Bridge Mounted Equipment to be rolled back immediately after their disconnection from the aircraft.
  10. Cargo Pallets should be fastened to dollies or stacked through the lacing.
  11. ULDs should be fastened to racks or dollies and secured.
  12. Avoid driving or walking in Apron during strong surface winds.
  13. Discontinue Passenger boarding or disembarking by step ladders during strong surface winds.
  14. All garbage bins should be tied to hooks with the help of chains.
  15. In case of any breakdowns in the movement area, inform the operations Duty Manager or Apron Control of concern Airport.