A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

List of Abbreviations

The complete list of airbus abbreviation for Aviation Pilots & Engineers.


  • A – Amber
  • A-ICE – Anti-Ice
  • A.ICE – Anti-icing
  • A/BRK – Autobrake
  • A/C – Aircraft
  • A/COLL – Anti-Collision
  • A/D – Analog/Digital
  • A/DC – Analog-to-Digital Converter
  • A/G – Air to Ground
  • A/L – Airline
  • A/N – Alphanumeric
  • A/S – Airspeed
  • A/SKID – Anti-Skid
  • A/STAB – Auto Stabilizer
  • A/THR – Autothrust
  • A/XFMR – Autotransformer
  • AAC – Airline Administrative Communications
  • AAP – Additional Attendant Panel
  • AAP – Aft Attendant Panel
  • ABCM – Alternate Brake Control Manifold
  • ABCU – Alternate Braking Control Unit
  • ABD – Airbus Directive and Procedure
  • ABDC – Avionics Broadcast Data Collector
  • ABM – APU Build-up Manual
  • ABN – Abnormal
  • ABNORM – Abnormal
  • ABPM – Avionics Bare Processing Module
  • ABRN – Airborne
  • ABS – Autobrake System
  • ABSELV – Alternate Brake Selector Valve
  • ABSORB – Absorber
  • ABV – Above
  • AC – Aircraft Characteristics – Airport and Maintenance Planning
  • AC – Alternating Current
  • ACARS – Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System
  • ACC – Active Clearance Control
  • ACCEL – Acceleration/Accelerate
  • ACCLRM – Accelerometer
  • ACCU – Accumulator
  • ACCUR – Accuracy
  • ACD – Additional Control Device
  • ACD – Aircraft Control Domain
  • ACFT – Aircraft
  • ACGC – Aviation Complementary Ground Component
  • ACGS – Aircraft GSM Server
  • ACK – Acknowledge
  • ACM – Air Cycle Machine
  • ACMF – Aircraft Condition Monitoring Function
  • ACMM – Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual
  • ACMP – Airframe Condition Monitoring Procedure
  • ACMR – Aircraft Configuration Management Rules
  • ACMS – Aircraft Condition Monitoring System
  • ACMS-RT – ACMS-Real Time
  • ACMS-SA – ACMS-Server Application
  • ACN – Aircraft Classification Number
  • ACOC – Air Cooled Oil Cooler
  • ACP – Area Call Panel
  • ACP – Audio Control Panel
  • ACQ – Acquire
  • ACQN – Acquisition
  • ACR – Avionics Communication Router
  • ACRIF – ACR Instrumentation Function
  • ACRS – Avionics Communication Routing System
  • ACSC – Air Conditioning System Controller
  • ACT – Active
  • ACT – Additional Center Tank
  • ACTG – Actuating
  • ACTI – Assembly Critical Item
  • ACTIV – Active
  • ACTR – Actuator
  • ACTUAL – Aircraft Configuration of Tracked Units at Aircraft Level
  • ACTVN – Activation
  • ACTVT – Activate
  • ACU – Air Cooling Unit
  • ACU – Antenna Control Unit
  • ACU – Alpha Call-Up
  • ACUTE – Airbus Cockpit Universal Thrust Emulator
  • AD – Airworthiness Directive
  • ADB – Airport DataBase
  • ADB – Area Distribution Box
  • ADBP – Avionics Data Broadcast Protocol
  • ADC – Air Data Computer
  • ADC – Aircraft Data Collection
  • ADCN – Avionics Data Communication Network
  • ADD – Addition
  • ADD – Additional
  • ADF – Automatic Direction Finder
  • ADF – As-Defined
  • ADFR – Automatic Deployable Flight Recorder
  • ADG – Air Driven Generator
  • ADGB – Active Differential Gearbox
  • ADHF – Adaptive Dropped Hinge Flap
  • ADI – Attitude Director Indicator
  • ADIRS – Air Data/Inertial Reference System
  • ADIRU – Air Data/Inertial Reference Unit
  • ADIS – AFDX and Digital Injection System
  • ADL – Airborne Data Loader
  • ADLU – Airborne Data Loading Unit
  • ADM – Air Data Module
  • ADMZ – Aircraft DeMilitarized Zone
  • ADPM – Aircraft Deactivation Procedures Manual
  • ADPTR – Adapter
  • ADR – Air Data Reference
  • ADS – Air Data System
  • ADS – Automatic Dependent Surveillance
  • ADS – Aircraft maintenance Documentation System
  • ADS-B – Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
  • ADS-C – Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract
  • ADSM – Avionics Data Storage Module
  • ADU – Area Distribution Unit
  • ADV – Advisory
  • AECM – Alternate Extension Control Module
  • AES – Aircraft Earth Station
  • AESS – Aircraft Environment Surveillance System
  • AESU – Aircraft Environment Surveillance Unit
  • AEVC – Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer
  • AF – Audio Frequency
  • AFCD – Aft Cargo Door
  • AFDX – Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet
  • AFECU – Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control Unit
  • AFFECTD – Affected
  • AFFIRM – Affirmative
  • AFI – Aircraft Fault Isolation
  • AFL – Auto Flush
  • AFM – Airplane Flight Manual
  • AFMC – Auxiliary Fuel Management Computer
  • AFMR – Airframer
  • AFN – ATS Facilities Notification
  • AFR – Aircraft Fault Reporting
  • AFRP – Aramid Fiber Reinforced Plastic
  • AFS – Automatic Flight System
  • AFTR – After
  • AGB – Accessory Gearbox
  • AGB – Angle Gearbox
  • AGC – APU Generator Contactor
  • AGC – Automatic Gain Control
  • AGE – Aircraft Ground Equipment
  • AGL – Above Ground Level
  • AGLC – APU Generator Line Contactor
  • AGP – Alternate Gauging Processor
  • AGS – Aircraft GSM Server
  • AGS – Air Generation System
  • AGU – Air Generation Unit
  • AGW – Actual Gross Weight
  • AIBU – Advanced Illumination Ballast Unit
  • AICF – Anti Ice Control Function
  • AICS – Anti Ice Control System
  • AICU – Anti Ice Control Unit
  • AIDS – Aircraft Integrated Data System
  • AIL – Aileron
  • AIM – Aircraft Integrated Maintenance
  • AIME – Autonomous Integrity Monitored Extrapolation
  • AIMI – Avionics Information Management Interface
  • AINS – Aircraft Information Network System
  • AIP – Attendant Indication Panel
  • AIPC – Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog
  • AIPR – Avionic Internal Parameter Requestor
  • AIR – Aircraft Inspection Report
  • AIS – Audio Integrated System
  • AISD – Airline Information Services Domain
  • AIT – Accident Information Transmission
  • AIU – Aircraft Interface Unit
  • ALE – Automatic Link Establishment
  • ALIGN – Alignment
  • ALIGND – Aligned
  • ALLWD – Allowed
  • ALNA – Airline Network Architecture
  • ALPHA – Angle-of-Attack
  • ALS – Airworthiness Limitation Section
  • ALSCU – Auxiliary Level Sensing Control Unit
  • ALT – Altitude
  • ALT REFF – Alternate to a Retraction, Extension and/or Free Fall test
  • ALTM – Altimeter
  • ALTN – Alternate
  • ALTN – Alternative
  • ALTU – Annunciator Light Test Unit
  • AM – Amplitude Modulation
  • AMB – Ambient
  • AMD – Aircraft Maintenance Description
  • AMDB – Airport Mapping DataBase
  • AME – Amplitude Modulation Equivalent
  • AMEX – Avionics Message Exchanger
  • AMM – Aircraft Maintenance Manual
  • AMP – Aircraft Maintenance Procedure
  • AMPL – Amplifier
  • AMS – Air-ground Message Server
  • AMU – Audio Management Unit
  • ANDT – Aircraft Non Destructive Test
  • ANF – Airport Navigation Function
  • ANI – Analog Input
  • ANLG – Analogic
  • ANN – Annunciator
  • ANN LT – Annunciator Light
  • ANNCE – Announce
  • ANNCMT – Announcement
  • ANO – Analog Output
  • ANSA – At Nearest Suitable Airport
  • ANSI – American National Standards Institute
  • ANSU – Aircraft Network Server Unit
  • ANT – Antenna
  • AOA – Angle Of Attack
  • AOC – Airline Operational Control
  • AOD – Audio on Demand
  • AOG – Aircraft On Ground
  • AOHE – Air Oil Heat Exchanger
  • AOHX – Air/Oil Heat Exchanger
  • AOM – Aircraft Operating Manual
  • AOMT – Airbus Onboard Maintenance Tool
  • AOT – Alert Operators Transmission
  • AP – Autopilot
  • AP/FD – Autopilot/Flight Director
  • APA – Automatic Pre-Arm
  • APD – Aircraft Performance Data
  • APF – Aft Pylon Fairing
  • API – Application Programming Interface
  • APLC – Aircraft Power Line Conditioner
  • APM – ARINC Processing Module
  • APM – Airplane Personality Module
  • APP – Appearance
  • APP – Approach Control-Approach Control Office
  • APPL – Application
  • APPR – Approach
  • APPROX – Approximately
  • APPU – Asymmetry Position Pick Off Unit
  • APS – Absolute Pressure Sensor
  • APS – Avionics Printing Service
  • APS – Antenna Power Supply
  • APU – Auxiliary Power Unit
  • APU AFE – APU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control Unit
  • AR – As Required
  • ARC – Air Refueling Computer
  • ARFC – Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Chart
  • ARINC – Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
  • ARM – Aircraft Recovery Manual
  • ARN – Aircraft Registration Number
  • ARP – Aerospace Recommended Practice
  • ARPT – Airport
  • ARTF – Artificial
  • ARU – Aircraft Router Unit
  • ARU – Audio Reproducer Unit
  • ARV – Alternate Refill Valve
  • ASA – All Speed Aileron
  • ASA – Audio and Sign Adapter
  • ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  • ASCU – Air Systems Control Unit
  • ASD – Accelerate Stop Distance
  • ASD – Aircraft Schematic Diagram
  • ASE – Airborne Support Equipment
  • ASF – Avionics Server Function
  • ASFC – Avionics Server Function Cabinet
  • ASI – Airspeed Indicator
  • ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuits
  • ASLC – ACD Security Log Collector
  • ASM – Aircraft Schematics Manual
  • ASM – Air Separation Module
  • ASN – Aerospatiale Norme (Standard)
  • ASP – Audio Selector Panel
  • ASPSU – Autonomous Standby Power Supply Unit
  • ASR – Aircraft Structural Repair
  • ASS – Aircraft Security System
  • ASSCU – Aircraft Security System Control Unit
  • ASSY – Assembly
  • ASU – Attendant Service Unit
  • ASYM – Asymmetric(al)
  • AT – Autothrust
  • ATA – Actual Time of Arrival
  • ATA – Air Transport Association of America
  • ATC – Air Traffic Control
  • ATCI – Air Traffic Control and Information
  • ATCRB – Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon
  • ATD – Actual Time of Departure
  • ATE – Automatic Test Equipment
  • ATI – Air Transport Indicator
  • ATIMS – Air Traffic and Information Management System
  • ATIS – Automatic Terminal Information Service
  • ATLAS – Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems
  • ATM – Air Traffic Management
  • ATN – Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
  • ATQC – Airbus Temporary Quick Change
  • ATR – Austin Trumbull Radio
  • ATRCCS – Automatic Turbine Rotor Clearance Control System
  • ATS – Air Traffic Service
  • ATS – Autothrottle System
  • ATSAW – Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness
  • ATSU – Air Traffic Service Unit
  • ATT – Attitude
  • ATTND – Attendant
  • ATU – AutoTransformer Unit
  • ATUC – ATU Contactor
  • ATULC – ATU Line Contactor
  • ATUPU – ATU Protection Unit
  • AUTO – Automatic
  • AUTOLAND – Automatic Landing
  • AUW – All-Up Weight
  • AUX – Auxiliary
  • AVAIL – Availability
  • AVAIL – Available
  • AVIS – Aircraft Virtual Insider System
  • AVM – Avionics Video Module
  • AVNCS – Avionics
  • AVS – Avionics Ventilation System
  • AWD – Aircraft Wiring Diagram
  • AWL – Aircraft Wiring List
  • AWL – Attendant Work Light
  • AWM – Aircraft Wiring Manual
  • AWY – Airway
  • AX – Longitudinal Acceleration
  • AY – Lateral Acceleration
  • AZ – Azimuth
  • AZFW – Actual Zero Fuel Weight

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  • B – Blue
  • B/C – Business Class
  • BAF – BITE Access Function
  • BAG – Bandwidth Allocation Gap
  • BARO – Barometric
  • BAS – Bleed Air System
  • BAT – Battery
  • BATLC – Battery Line Contactor
  • BB – Building Block
  • BBAND – Broadband
  • BCD – Binary Coded Decimal
  • BCDS – BITE Centralized Data System
  • BCF – Brake Cooling Fan
  • BCL – Battery Charge Limiter
  • BCM – Backup Control Module
  • BCN – Beacon
  • BCRC – Bulk Crew Rest Compartment
  • BCRU – Battery Charge and Rectifier Unit
  • BCS – Brake Control System
  • BCS – Braking Control System
  • BCU – Brake Control Unit
  • BCV – Bleed Control Valve
  • BCVS – Bulk Cargo Video System
  • BFE – Buyer Furnished Equipment
  • BFO – Beat Frequency Oscillator
  • BGAN – Broadband Global Area Network
  • BGM – Boarding Music
  • BH – Block Hours
  • BIOS – Basic Input Output System
  • BITE – Built-In Test Equipment
  • BIU – BITE Interface Unit
  • BKFLW – Backflow
  • BKUP – Backup
  • BL – Bleed
  • BLES – Brake Life Extension System
  • BLG – Body Landing Gear
  • BLK – Black
  • BLK – Block
  • BLOW – Blower
  • BLST – Ballast
  • BLV – Bleed Valve
  • BLWG – Blowing
  • BLWR – Blower
  • BM – Bronze Mesh
  • BMC – Bleed Monitoring Computer
  • BMI – BITE Monitoring Interface
  • BMPS – Bleed Monitoring Pressure Sensor
  • BMU – Battery Management Unit
  • BNDRY – Boundary
  • BNR – Binary
  • BOMU – Bleed and Overheat Monitoring Unit
  • BOT – Begin of Tape
  • BOT – Bottom
  • BPS – Backup Power Supply
  • BPS – Bleed Pressure Sensor
  • BPTU – Brake Pedal Transmitter Unit
  • BRG – Bearing
  • BRK – Brake
  • BRKNG – Braking
  • BRKR – Breaker
  • BRKT – Bracket
  • BRT – Bright
  • BRT – Brightness
  • BSCS – Braking and Steering Control System
  • BSCU – Braking and Steering Control Unit
  • BSU – Beam Steering Unit
  • BTAC – Bus Tie AC Contactor
  • BTC – Bus Tie Contactor
  • BTCM – Brake Temperature Compensation Module
  • BTDC – Bus Tie DC Contactor
  • BTL – Bottle
  • BTMS – Brake Temperature Monitoring System
  • BTMU – Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit
  • BTN – Button
  • BTR – Bus Tie Relay
  • BTS – Base Transceiver Station
  • BTS – Bleed Temperature Sensor
  • BTSTRP – Buttstrap
  • BTV – Brake to Vacate
  • BU – Battery Unit
  • BUS – Busbar
  • BUSS – Back-Up Speed Scale
  • BWS – Body Wheel Steering
  • BYDU – Back-Up Yaw Damper Unit
  • BYP – Bypass

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  • C – Celsius
  • C – Centigrade
  • C – Close
  • C – Cyan
  • C-MOS – Complementary Metal Oxyde Semiconductor
  • C/B – Circuit Breaker
  • C/L – Checklist
  • C/O – Change Over
  • C/S – Call Sign
  • CA – Cable Assembly
  • CA/CRL – Certification Authority/Certificate Revocation List
  • CAB – Cabin
  • CAL – Calibration
  • CAL – Calibrated
  • CAM – Cabin Assignment Module
  • CAMO – Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation
  • CAN – Controller Area Network
  • CANC – Cancellation
  • CANCD – Cancelled
  • CAOA – Corrected Angle Of Attack
  • CAOM – Cabin Attendant Operating Manual
  • CAPT – Captain
  • CAS – Calibrated Air Speed
  • CAS – Cabin Attendant Seat
  • CAT – Category
  • CATCH – Complex Anomaly Tracking and Search
  • CAUT – Caution
  • CAX – Compartment Air Extraction
  • CBB – Connexion By Boeing
  • CBIT – Continuous BITE
  • CBM – Circuit Breaker Monitoring
  • CBMF – Circuit Breaker Monitoring Function
  • CBMS – Circuit Breaker Monitoring System
  • CBMU – Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit
  • CBP – Circuit Breaker Panel
  • CC – Current Comparator
  • CCB – Compartment Control Box
  • CCB – Cargo Control Box
  • CCC – Crash Crew Chart
  • CCCP – Compressor Cavity Control Pressure
  • CCD – Cursor Control Device
  • CCD – Cabin Crew Data
  • CCG – Cabin Configuration Guide
  • CCMail – Cabin Crew Mailing
  • CCOC – Combustion Casing Outer Case
  • CCOM – Cabin Crew Operating Manual
  • CCR – Credit Card Reader
  • CCRC – Cabin Crew Rest Compartment
  • CCRM – Cabin Crew Rest Module
  • CCS – Cabin Communication System
  • CCU – CSAS Control Unit
  • CCW – Counter Clockwise
  • CD – Compact Disk
  • CD – Control Display
  • CDA – Continuous Descent Approach
  • CDAM – Centralized Data Acquisition Module
  • CDAS – Cargo Door Actuation System
  • CDAU – Centralized Data Acquisition Unit
  • CDC – Cargo Door Controller
  • CDC – Crash Detection Circuit
  • CDCCL – Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations
  • CDCV – Cargo Door Control Valve
  • CDL – Configuration Deviation List
  • CDLC – Centralized Data Loading Connector
  • CDLCU – Cockpit Door Locking Control Unit
  • CDLS – Cockpit Door Locking System
  • CDM – Cockpit Door Module
  • CDM – Coolant Distribution Module
  • CDP – Compressor Discharge Pressure
  • CDS – Component Documentation Status
  • CDS – Control and Display System
  • CDSS – Cockpit Door Surveillance System
  • CDSU – Cockpit Door Surveillance Unit
  • CDU – Center Drive Unit
  • CDU – Control and Display Unit
  • CE – Centralized Equipment
  • CED – Cooling Effect Detector
  • CEH – Complex Electronic Hardware
  • CEL – Component Evolution List
  • CELLI – Ceiling Emergency LED Light
  • CEO – Current Engine Option
  • CEV – Centre d’Essais en Vol
  • CFC – Carbon Fiber Composite
  • CFDIU – Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit
  • CFDS – Centralized Fault Display System
  • CFFC – Cockpit Fixed Frequency Converter
  • CFM – Cable Fabrication Manual
  • CFMI – CFM International
  • CFR – Current Flight Report
  • CFRP – Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
  • CFS – Cabin File Server
  • CFVCU – Cargo Fire Verification Control Unit
  • CFVS – Cargo Fire Verification System
  • CG – Center of Gravity
  • CGCS – Center of Gravity Control System
  • CH – Character
  • CH – Cargo Hold
  • CHAN – Channel
  • CHG – Change
  • CHMBR – Chamber
  • CHRG – Charge
  • CHRO – Chronometer
  • CI – Cost Index
  • CIC – Compressor Intermediate Case
  • CIDS – Cabin Intercommunication Data System
  • CIN – Change Identification Number
  • CINS – Cabin Information Network System
  • CIR – Common Information Repository
  • CIT – Compressor Inlet Temperature
  • CIU – Camera Interface Unit
  • CJC – Cold Junction Compensation
  • CK – Check
  • CKPT – Cockpit
  • CKT – Circuit
  • CL – Center Line
  • CL – Checklist
  • CL/OP – Closure/Opening
  • CLB – Climb
  • CLCTR – Collector
  • CLEDU – Cabin LED Unit
  • CLG – Centerline Landing Gear
  • CLK – Clock
  • CLM – Component Location Manual
  • CLNG – Ceiling
  • CLOG – Clogging
  • CLOGD – Clogged
  • CLPR – Clapper
  • CLR – Clear
  • CLRD – Cleared
  • CLRNC – Clearance
  • CLS – Cargo Loading System
  • CLS – Cargo Loading System Manual
  • CLSD – Closed
  • CLSG – Closing
  • CM – Conversion Manual
  • CM – Conversion Module
  • CMC – Central Maintenance Computer
  • CMD – Command
  • CMEU – Cabin Passenger Management Memory Expansion Unit
  • CMF – Central Maintenance Function
  • CML – Consumable Material List
  • CMM – Calibration Memory Module
  • CMM – Component Maintenance Manual
  • CMM IPL – Component Maintenance Manual Illustrated Parts List
  • CMMV – Component Maintenance Manual Vendor
  • CMPLTD – Completed
  • CMPTR – Computer
  • CMR – Certification Maintenance Requirements
  • CMS – Centralized Maintenance System
  • CMS – Component Maintenance Sheet
  • CMT – Cabin Management Terminal
  • CMU – Communications Management Unit
  • CMV – Concentrator and Multiplexer for Video
  • CNA – Common Nozzle Assembly
  • CNCTN – Connection
  • CNCTR – Connector
  • CNSU – Cabin Network Server Unit
  • CNTNR – Container
  • CNTOR – Contactor
  • CNTRTR – Concentrator
  • CNU – Cabin Network Unit
  • CO RTE – Company Route
  • COAS – Cabin Operations Applications System
  • COAX – Coaxial
  • COC – Cabin Operation Center
  • COC – Customer Originated Change
  • COCT – Cabin Operations Consultation Tool
  • COLLI – Contour LED Light
  • COM – Communication
  • COM – Command
  • COMC – CSAS Overheat Monitoring Controller
  • COMDL – Coding Module
  • COML – Commercial
  • COMP – Compass
  • COMP – Compensator
  • COMPSN – Compensation
  • COMPT – Compartment
  • COMPTR – Comparator
  • COND – Condition
  • COND – Conditioned
  • COND – Conditioning
  • CONDTR – Conditioner
  • CONFIG – Configuration
  • CONFIRMD – Confirmed
  • CONSUMPT – Consumption
  • CONT – Continue
  • CONT – Continuous
  • CONT – Controller
  • CONV – Converter
  • COOL – Cooler
  • COOL – Cooling
  • COOLG – Cooling
  • COOLR – Cooler
  • COORD – Coordination
  • COS – Cowl Opening System
  • COTS – Commercial Off-The-Shelf
  • COUNT – Counter
  • COWL – Cowling
  • CPC – Cabin Pressure Controller
  • CPCS – Cabin Pressure Control System
  • CPCU – Cabin Pressure Control Unit
  • CPDB – Customized Performance DataBase
  • CPDLC – Controller-Pilot DataLink Communication
  • CPIF – Control Power Intermediate Frequency
  • CPIOM – Core Processing Input/Output Module
  • CPLG – Coupling
  • CPLR – Coupler
  • CPMS – Cabin and Passenger Management System
  • CPMU – Cabin Passenger Management Unit
  • CPNY – Company
  • CPRSR – Compressor
  • CPU – Central Processing Unit
  • CRC – Centralized Radio Control
  • CRC – Continuous Repetitive Chime
  • CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check
  • CRC – Crew Rest Compartment
  • CRDC – Common Remote Data Concentrator
  • CRES – Corrosion-Resistant Steel
  • CRG – Cargo
  • CRI – Certification Review Item
  • CRM – Communication Router Module
  • CROSSFEEDR – Crossfeeder
  • CRR – Crew Rest Room
  • CRS – Course
  • CRS – Certificate of Release to Service
  • CRT – Cathode Ray Tube
  • CRU – Central Refirgeration Unit
  • CRU – Cabin Router Unit
  • CRU – Card Reader Unit
  • CRZ – Cruise
  • CS – Center Spar
  • CS – Certification Specification
  • CSAS – Conditioned Service Air System
  • CSBS – Controllable Sunlight Blocking System
  • CSBSU – Controllable Sunlight Blocking System Unit
  • CSD – Constant Speed Drive
  • CSDM – Cargo Smoke Detection Module
  • CSK – Countersink
  • CSL – Console
  • CSM/G – Constant Speed Motor/Generator
  • CSR – Certificate Signing Request
  • CSTR – Constraint
  • CSU – Command Sensor Unit
  • CT – Current Transformer
  • CTK – Center Tank
  • CTL – Central
  • CTL – Control
  • CTLR – Controller
  • CTR – Center
  • CTU – Cabin Telecommunications Unit
  • CU – Control Unit
  • CU – Cockpit Unit
  • CUDU – Current Unbalance Detection Unit
  • CUR – Current
  • CVDR – Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder
  • CVM – Cabin Video Monitoring
  • CVMS – Cabin Video Monitoring System
  • CVR – Cockpit Voice Recorder
  • CVRS – Cockpit Voice Recorder System
  • CVT – Center Vent Tube
  • CVU – Crypto Voice Unit
  • CW – Clockwise
  • CW – Continuous Wave
  • CWB – Center Wing Box
  • CWLU – Cabin Wireless LAN Unit
  • CWS – Cabin Work Station
  • CWSIU – Combined Wheel Speed Interface Unit
  • CY – Cycle
  • CYL – Cylinder
  • CaDoc – Cabin Documentation Display

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  • D-ATIS – Digital Automatic Terminal Information System
  • D-ULPA – Double Ultra Low Particulate Air
  • D/LNA – Diplexer/Low Noise Amplifier
  • DA – Drift Angle
  • DAC – Digital to Analog Converter
  • DAC – Drawing Aperture Card
  • DADC – Digital Air Data Computer
  • DAGM – Dry Air Generation Module
  • DAGS – Dry Air Generation System
  • DAMP – Damping
  • DAMPG – Damping
  • DAR – Digital ACMS Recorder
  • DAR – Digital AIDS Recorder
  • DAU – Data Acquisition Unit
  • DB – Database
  • DBC – Data Bus Communication
  • DBCR – DataBase Change Request
  • DBLR – Doubler
  • DBPS – Display Based Passenger Sign
  • DBTS – Data Broadband Transceiver System
  • DC – Direct Current
  • DCD – Data Control and Display
  • DCDR – Decoder
  • DCDU – Datalink Control and Display Unit
  • DCL – Digital Cabin Logbook
  • DCL-CCT – Digital Cabin Logbook – Cabin Configuration Tool
  • DCP – Display Control Panel
  • DCR – Dock on Crew Rest
  • DCRC – Dock on Crew Rest Compartment
  • DCU – Direction Control Unit
  • DCV – Directional Control Valve
  • DDM – Digital Data Module
  • DDP – Declaration of Design and Performance
  • DDRMI – Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator
  • DDV – Direct Drive Valve
  • DECEL – Decelerate
  • DECOMPRESS – Decompression
  • DECR – Decrease
  • DEDP – Data Entry and Display Panel
  • DEF – Definition
  • DEFOG – Defogging
  • DEFRD – Deferred
  • DEFUEL – Defueling
  • DEG – Degree
  • DEGRADD – Degraded
  • DEL – Delete
  • DELTA P – Differential Pressure
  • DEOA – Door Emergency Opening Actuator
  • DEP – Departure
  • DEPRESS – Depressurization
  • DES – Descend
  • DES – Descent
  • DEST – Destination
  • DET – Detection
  • DET – Detector
  • DETECTD – Detected
  • DEU – Decoder/Encoder Unit
  • DEV – Deviation
  • DF – Direction Finder
  • DFCV – Dual-Flapper Check Valve
  • DFDAMU – Digital Flight Data Acquisition and Management Unit
  • DFDAU – Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit
  • DFDR – Digital Flight Data Recorder
  • DFDRS – Digital Flight Data Recording System
  • DFIDU – Dual Function Interactive Display Unit
  • DFPPU – Differential Feedback Position Pick-Off Unit
  • DFPRM – Duct and Fuel Pipe Repair Manual
  • DFPRM IPL – Duct and Fuel Pipe Repair Manual Illustrated Parts List
  • DFSOV – Dual Flow Shut-Off Valve
  • DGI – Digital Input
  • DGO – Digital Output
  • DGPS – Digital Global Positioning System
  • DH – Decision Height
  • DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  • DIA – Diameter
  • DIBU – Door Illumination Ballast Unit
  • DIFF – Differential
  • DIM – Direction Input Module
  • DIMM – Dimmable
  • DIP – Dual In-line Package
  • DIP – Door Indication Panel
  • DIPLXR – Diplexer
  • DIR – Direct
  • DIR – Direction
  • DIR – Director
  • DISC – Disconnect
  • DISC – Disconnected
  • DISC – Disconnection
  • DISCH – Discharge
  • DISCH – Discharged
  • DISCNTY – Discontinuity
  • DIST – Distance
  • DISTR – Distribute
  • DISTR – Distribution
  • DISTR – Distributor
  • DITCH – Ditching
  • DITS – Digital Information Transfer System
  • DIU – Digital Interface Unit
  • DIVERTG – Diverting
  • DLC – Direct Lift Control
  • DLCM – Data Loading Configuration Manager
  • DLCS – Data Loading and Configuration System
  • DLK – Data Link
  • DLOAD – Data Loading
  • DLRB – Data Loading Routing Box
  • DLS – Data Loading Selector
  • DLSU – Data Loading Selector Unit
  • DM – Data Module
  • DM – Dispatch Message
  • DMA – Direct Memory Access
  • DMC – Display Management Computer
  • DMDLTR – Demodulator
  • DME – Distance Measuring Equipment
  • DMFF – Door Monitoring and Flight Lock Function
  • DMM – Data Memory Module
  • DMP – Display Management Processor
  • DMPR – Damper
  • DMU – Data Management Unit
  • DMZ – DeMilitarized Zone
  • DN – Down
  • DNI – Drawing Numerical Index
  • DNLK – Downlock
  • DNLKD – Downlocked
  • DNLNK – Downlink
  • DOLLI – Dome LED Light
  • DOW – Dry Operating Weight
  • DP – Design Principle
  • DPCU – Digital Passenger Control Unit
  • DPDT – Double Pole/Double Throw
  • DPI – Differential Pressure Indicator
  • DPS – Differential Pressure Sensor
  • DR – Dead Reckoning
  • DR – Door
  • DRM – Duct Repair Manual
  • DRMI – Distance Radio Magnetic Indicator
  • DRVG – Driving
  • DRVR – Driver
  • DS/C – Digital Server/Controller
  • DSB – Door Sensor Block
  • DSC – Digital Signature Checker
  • DSCRT – Discrete
  • DSCS – Door and Escape Slide Control System
  • DSCS – Door and Slide Control System
  • DSDL – Dedicated Serial Data Link
  • DSEB – Digital Seat Electronic Box
  • DSF – Data Security Filter
  • DSI – Discrete Input
  • DSIP – Door/Slide Indication Panel
  • DSM – Decorative Sheet Material
  • DSMCU – Doors and Slides Management Control Unit
  • DSMS – Doors and Slides Management System
  • DSO – Discrete Output
  • DSPL – Display
  • DSPLYD – Displayed
  • DSUB – D-subminiature
  • DT ALI – Damage-Tolerant Airworthiness Limitation Items
  • DTD – Document Type Definition
  • DTG – Distance to Go
  • DTMF – Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
  • DTMS – Damage Tolerance Monitoring System
  • DTMU – Damage Tolerance Monitoring Unit
  • DU – Display Unit
  • DVD – Digital Versatile Disk
  • DVI – Digital Visual Interface
  • DVI – Detailed Visual Inspection
  • DVR – Digital Video Recorder
  • DWC – Drip Water Collector
  • DWG – Drawing
  • DaFA – Data For Application

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  • E – East
  • E-Rudder – Electrical Rudder
  • E/ECI – Electrical/Electronic Common Installation
  • E/F – Equipment/Furnishings
  • EABDC – Enhanced Aircraft Broadcast Data Collector
  • EAPAS – Enhanced Airworthiness Program for Aeroplane Systems
  • EAROM – Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
  • EATULC – Emergency ATU Line Contactor
  • EBAS – Engine Bleed Air System
  • EBATC – Emergency Battery Contactor
  • EBCU – Emergency Brake Control Unit
  • EBHA – Electrical Backup Hydraulic Actuator
  • EBTAC – Emergency Bus Tie AC Contactor
  • EBTC – Emergency Bus Tie Contactor
  • EBTDC – Emergency Bus Tie DC Contactor
  • EBU – Engine Build-up Unit
  • ECAM – Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
  • ECAM TC – ECAM Temporary Change
  • ECAS – Emergency Cabin Alerting System
  • ECB – Electronic Control Box
  • ECF – Expanded Copper Foil
  • ECLS – Electrical Cargo Loading system
  • ECM – Engine Condition Monitoring
  • ECMS – Electrical Contactor Management System
  • ECMU – Electrical Contactor Management Unit
  • ECN – Engineering Change Note
  • ECON – Economy
  • ECP – ECAM Control Panel
  • ECS – Environmental Control System
  • ECU – Electronic Control Unit
  • ECUCV – Electronic Control Unit Cooling Valve
  • ED – Engine Display
  • EDIU – Electrical Discrete Interface Unit
  • EDMU – Electrical Distribution Monitoring Unit
  • EDP – Engine Driven Pump
  • EDW – Electro-Dimmable Window
  • EEC – Electronic Engine Control
  • EEC – Engine Electronic Controller
  • EEC – Emergency Electrical Configuration
  • EENMU – Emergency Electrical Network Management Unit
  • EEPDC – Emergency Electrical Power Distribution Center
  • EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  • EFB – Electronic Flight Bag
  • EFCC – Electronic Flight Control Computer
  • EFCC – Emergency Flight Control Contactor
  • EFCS – Electrical Flight Control System
  • EFCU – Electrical Flight Control Unit
  • EFF – Effective
  • EFF – Effectivity
  • EFF – Equipped Front Face
  • EFF/FFU – Electronic Flight Folder/Flight Follow-Up
  • EFIS – Electronic Flight Instrument System
  • EFLSCU – Enhanced Fuel Level Sensing Control Unit
  • EFOB – Estimated Fuel on Board
  • EGIU – Electrical Generation Interface Unit
  • EGLC – Emergency Generator Line Contactor
  • EGMS – Electrical Galley Management System
  • EGPWM – Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Module
  • EGPWS – Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
  • EGT – Exhaust Gas Temperature
  • EHA – Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator
  • EHAC – Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator Contactor
  • EHC – Electrical Heater Controller
  • EHCU – Electromechanical Handforce Control Unit
  • EHHDLU – Extended Handheld download Unit
  • EHM – Engine Health Monitoring
  • EHS – Electrical Heater System
  • EICU – EFB Interface and Communication Unit
  • EIF – Engine Interface Function
  • EIPM – Engine Interface Power Management
  • EIPMU – Engine Interface Power Management Unit
  • EIS – Electronic Instrument System
  • EIU – Engine Interface Unit
  • EIVMU – Engine Interface and Vibration Monitoring Unit
  • EL – Electric
  • ELA – Electrical Load Analysis
  • ELAC – Elevator Aileron Computer
  • ELAN – Ethernet Local Area Network
  • ELB – Electronic Log Book
  • ELC – Electronic Library Computer
  • ELC – Emergency Line Contactor
  • ELCO – Exterior Lights Controller
  • ELEC – Electric
  • ELEC – Electrical
  • ELEC – Electricity
  • ELEK – Electronic
  • ELEV – Elevation
  • ELEV – Elevator
  • ELEVN – Elevation
  • ELEVR – Elevator
  • ELF – Engineering support and data Link Function
  • ELFDB – Emergency Light Floor Disconnect Box
  • ELM – Electrical Load Management
  • ELMF – Electrical Load Management Function
  • ELMS – Electrical Load Management System
  • ELMU – Electrical Load Management Unit
  • ELPU – Emergency Lightning Protection Unit
  • ELS – Electronic Library System
  • ELSD – Electrical Load Sensing Device
  • ELT – Emergency Locator Transmitter
  • EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • EMCU – Electric Motor Control Unit
  • EMEL – Edge Mounted Emergency Light
  • EMER – Emergency
  • EMI – Electromagnetic Interference
  • EMISN – Emission
  • EMLG – Enhanced Main Landing Gear
  • EMP – Electric Motor Pump
  • EMU – Engine Monitoring Unit
  • EMWS – ElectroMechanical Window Shade
  • ENA – Ethernet Network Adapter
  • ENCDR – Encoder
  • END – Endurance
  • ENEC – Emergency Normal to Emergency Contactor
  • ENG – Engine
  • ENM – Electrical Network Management
  • ENMF – Electrical Network Management Function
  • ENMS – Electrical Network Management System
  • ENMU – Electrical Network Management Unit
  • ENRM – Ethernet Network Router Module
  • ENVMOD – Envelope Modulation
  • EO – Engine Out
  • EOS – Electronic Overspeed System
  • EOSID – Engine Out Standard Instrument Departure
  • EOT – End of Tape
  • EP – Entry Panel
  • EPC – External Power Contactor
  • EPCU – External Power Control Unit
  • EPD – Extended Principle Diagram
  • EPDC – Electrical Power Distribution Center
  • EPDS – Electrical Power Distribution System
  • EPESC – Enhanced Passenger Entertainment System Controller
  • EPGS – Electrical Power Generation System
  • EPLC – External Power Line Contactor
  • EPLD – Electronically Programmable Logic Device
  • EPR – Engine Pressure Ratio
  • EPR.D – EPR Descent
  • EPR.L – EPR Latch
  • EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  • EPSU – Emergency Power Supply Unit
  • EPU – Emergency Power Unit
  • EQPT – Equipment
  • ER – Extended Range
  • ER – Engineering Requirement
  • ERAI – Emergency Ram Air Inlet
  • ERG – Electromechanical Release Gate
  • ERMM – En Route Moving Map
  • ERP – Enhanced Runaway Protection
  • ERU – Engine Relay Unit
  • ESB – Electrical System BITE
  • ESBF – Electrical System BITE Function
  • ESC – Escape
  • ESD – ElectroStatic Discharge
  • ESDN – Extended System/Structure Description Note
  • ESEC – Emergency Smoke/Evacuation Contactor
  • ESLB – ECAM System Logic Book
  • ESMKTC – Emergency Smoke Tie Contactor
  • ESN – Electrical Structure Network
  • ESP – Electrical Standard Practices
  • ESPM – Electrical Standard Practices Manual
  • ESPU – External Sources Protection Unit
  • ESS – Essential
  • ESS – Engine Section Stator
  • EST – Estimated
  • ESTAC – Emergency Static inverter AC Contactor
  • ESTC – Emergency STatic inverter Contactor
  • ESU – Ethernet Switch Unit
  • ET – Elapsed Time
  • ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
  • ETACS – External and Taxiing Aid Camera System
  • ETD – Estimated Time of Departure
  • ETE – Estimated Time En Route
  • ETHNET – Ethernet
  • ETLC – Emergency TR Line Contactor
  • ETO – Estimated Time Over
  • ETOPS – Extended Range Operations for Two-Engine Aeroplanes
  • ETP – Equal Time Point
  • ETP – Equi-Time Point
  • ETRAC – Electronic Thrust Reverser Actuation Controller
  • ETRAS – Electrical Thrust Reverser Actuation System
  • ETT – Estimated Time for Takeoff
  • EUAD – European Union Airworthiness Directive
  • EUPB – Electronic Unit Protection Box
  • EVAC – Evacuate
  • EVAC – Evacuation
  • EVMU – Engine Vibration Monitoring Unit
  • EVS – Enhanced Vision System
  • EWD – Engine/Warning Display
  • EWIS – Electrical Wiring Interconnection System
  • EWS – Electrical Window Shades
  • EWS – Electrical Window Shade
  • EX – Example
  • EXC – Excitation
  • EXC – Excite
  • EXCESS – Excessive
  • EXCHG – Exchange
  • EXCHGR – Exchanger
  • EXDLS – External Door Locking System
  • EXH – Exhaust
  • EXLCO – EXterior Light Control
  • EXP – Expansion
  • EXSTG – Existing
  • EXT – Exterior
  • EXT – External
  • EXTING – Extinguish
  • EXTING – Extinguisher
  • EXTING – Extinguishing
  • EXTN – Extension
  • EXTNDD – Extended
  • EXTR – Extreme
  • EXTRACT – Extraction
  • EXTRACT – Extractor

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  • F – Fuel
  • F-G/S – FLS Glide Slope
  • F-LOC – FLS Localizer
  • F-PLN – Flight Plan
  • F/C – First Class
  • F/CTL – Flight Controls
  • F/O – First Officer
  • F3D – Full 3D
  • FA – Course from a Fixed Waypoint to an Altitude Termination
  • FAC – Flight Augmentation Computer
  • FADEC – Full Authority Digital Engine Control
  • FAF – Final Approach Fix
  • FAIL – Failed
  • FAIL – Failure
  • FAL – Fuel Airworthiness Limitations
  • FANS – Future Air Navigation System
  • FAP – Flight Attendant Panel
  • FAP – Forward Attendant Panel
  • FAR – Federal Aviation Regulations
  • FAS – Flight Augmentation System
  • FAV – Fan Air Valve
  • FBB – Fasten Bed Belt
  • FC – Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a Changeover Point
  • FC – Fully Closed
  • FC – Functional Class
  • FCC – Flight Control Computer
  • FCC – Flight Control Contactor
  • FCD – Fan Cowl Door
  • FCD – Flight Crew Data
  • FCDC – Flight Control Data Concentrator
  • FCGS – Flight Control and Guidance System
  • FCGU – Flight Control and Guidance Unit
  • FCMC – Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer
  • FCMS – Fuel Control Monitoring System
  • FCOM – Flight Crew Operating Manual
  • FCPC – Flight Control Primary Computer
  • FCRC – Flight Crew Rest Compartment
  • FCRM – Flight Control Remote Module
  • FCSC – Flight Control Secondary Computer
  • FCTM – Flight Crew Training Manual
  • FCU – Flight Control Unit
  • FCU – Fuel Control Unit
  • FCV – Flow Control Valve
  • FCZ – Forward Core Zone
  • FD – Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a DME Distance
  • FD – Flight Director
  • FD – Fuselage Datum
  • FDAC – Full Digital AGU Controller
  • FDAU – Flight Data Acquisition Unit
  • FDB – Floor Disconnect Box
  • FDBK – Feedback
  • FDC – Fuel Data Concentrator
  • FDCE – Flight Deck and Cabin Effects
  • FDD – Floppy Disk Drive
  • FDE – Flight Deck Effect
  • FDEP – Flight Data Entry Panel
  • FDIAF – Flight Data Interface/Acquisition Function
  • FDIF – Flight Data Interface Function
  • FDIMU – Flight Data Interface and Management Unit
  • FDIU – Flight Data Interface Unit
  • FDR – Flight Data Recorder
  • FDRS – Flight Data Recording System
  • FDS – Fire Detection System
  • FDU – Fire Detection Unit
  • FE – Flight Envelope
  • FEDC – Fire Extinguishing Data Converter
  • FEDR – Feeder
  • FEGV – Fan Exit Guide Vane
  • FEM – Finite Element Model
  • FES – Fire Extinguishing System
  • FEX – Fire EXtinguishing
  • FF – Fuel Flow
  • FFCCV – Fan Frame Compressor Case Vertical
  • FFCCV – Forward Flange Compressor Casing Vibration
  • FFCM – Free Fall Control Module
  • FFSU – Fixed Frequency Supply Unit
  • FG – Flight Guidance
  • FGE – Flight Guidance and Envelope
  • FGES – Flight Guidance and Envelope System
  • FH – Flight Hours
  • FIDS – Fault Isolation and Detection System
  • FIFO – First Input/First Output
  • FIG – Figure
  • FILG – Filling
  • FIM – Fault Isolation Manual
  • FIN – Functional Item Number
  • FIS – Flight Information Services
  • FIX – Fixed
  • FL – Flight Level
  • FLA – Flight Lock Actuator
  • FLD – Field
  • FLD – Floor Level Display
  • FLE – Fixed Leading Edge
  • FLEX – Flexible
  • FLP – Flap
  • FLR – Floor
  • FLS – FMS Landing System
  • FLSCU – Fuel Level Sensing Control Unit
  • FLT – Flight
  • FLTR – Filter
  • FLXTO – Flexible Take-Off
  • FM – Course from a Fixed Waypoint with a Manual Termination
  • FM – Flight Management
  • FM – Flight Manual
  • FM – Frequency Modulation
  • FM – Fault Message
  • FMA – Flight Mode Annunciator
  • FMC – Flight Management Computer
  • FMCS – Flight Management Computer System
  • FME – Flow Metering Equipment
  • FMEA – Failure Mode & Effects Analysis
  • FMGC – Flight Management and Guidance Computer
  • FMGC-E – Flight Management and Guidance Computer for E-Rudder
  • FMGEC – Flight Management Guidance and Envelope Computer
  • FMGES – Flight Management Guidance and Envelope System
  • FMGS – Flight Management and Guidance System
  • FML – Fiber Metal Laminate
  • FMS – Flight Management System
  • FMST – Flight Management System Trainer
  • FMU – Fuel Metering Unit
  • FMV – Fuel Metering Valve
  • FNCP – Flight Navigation Control Panel
  • FNL – Final
  • FNSG – Flight Navigation Symbol Generator
  • FO – Fully Open
  • FOB – Fuel On Board
  • FOC – Fuel/Oil Cooler
  • FOCT – Flight Operations Consultation Tool
  • FOD – Foreign Object Damage
  • FOHE – Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger
  • FOMAX – Flight Operations and MAintenance eXchanger
  • FOS – Fuel Operator Station
  • FOVE – Flight Operations Versatile Environment
  • FPA – Flight Path Angle
  • FPEEPMS – Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking System
  • FPF – Fire Protection Function
  • FPH – Floor Panel Heating
  • FPM – Floor Path Marking
  • FPMU – Fuel Properties Measurement Unit
  • FPPU – Feedback Position Pick-off Unit
  • FPRM – Fuel Pipe Repair Manual
  • FPS – Fire Protection System
  • FPT – Flight Path Target
  • FPV – Flight Path Vector
  • FQ – Fuel Quantity
  • FQDC – Fuel Quantity Data Concentrator
  • FQI – Fuel Quantity Indicating/Indication/Indicator
  • FQIC – Fuel Quantity Indication Computer
  • FQMS – Fuel Quantity and Management System
  • FR – Frame
  • FREQ – Frequency
  • FRM – Fault Reporting Manual
  • FRS – Flammability Reduction System
  • FRU – Frequency Reference Unit
  • FRV – Fuel Return Valve
  • FS – Front Spar
  • FSA – FlySmart with Airbus
  • FSA-NG – FlySmart with Airbus-New Generation
  • FSB – Fasten Seat Belts
  • FSCM – Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
  • FSN – Fleet Serial Number
  • FSOV – Fire ShutOff Valve
  • FSS – Front Secondary Structure
  • FSTD Flight Simulation Training Devices
  • FTE – Fixed Trailing Edge
  • FTG – Fitting
  • FTI – Flight Test Installation
  • FTIS – Fuel Tank Inerting System
  • FTSP – Floor Temperature Setting Panel
  • FTU – Force Transducer Unit
  • FU – Fuel Used
  • FUSLG – Fuselage
  • FW – Failure Warning
  • FWC – Flight Warning Computer
  • FWCD – Forward Cargo Door
  • FWD – Forward
  • FWL – Firewall
  • FWS – Flight Warning System

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  • G – Green
  • G/S – Glide Slope
  • GA – Go-Around
  • GAD – General Assembly Drawing
  • GAIN – Electrical GAlley INsert equipment
  • GAIR – General Assembly Inspection Report
  • GALY – Galley
  • GAPCU – Ground and Auxiliary Power Control Unit
  • GBAS – Ground Based Augmentation System
  • GCR – Generator Control Relay
  • GCS – Global Communication Suite
  • GCU – Generator Control Unit
  • GD&T – Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
  • GDE – Guide
  • GDNC – Guidance
  • GDO – Ground Door Opening
  • GE – General Electric
  • GEM – Ground Equipment Manual
  • GEN – Generator
  • GES – Ground Earth Station
  • GFE – Government Furnished Equipment
  • GFI – Ground Fault Interruption
  • GFI – Ground Fault Interrupter
  • GFLI – Ground Fuel Level Indication
  • GFR – Ground Fault Report
  • GFRP – Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic
  • GGBU – Gear Guard Battery Unit
  • GGMU – Gear Guard Main Unit
  • GGPCU – Generator and Ground Power Control Unit
  • GGSU – Gear Guard Sensor Unit
  • GLA – Gust Load Alleviation
  • GLASU – Galley Light Attendant Service Unit
  • GLC – Generator Line Contactor
  • GLR – Generator Line Relay
  • GLS – GBAS Landing System
  • GLSSU – GPS Landing System Sensor Unit
  • GLT – Ground Leak Test
  • GMT – Greenwich Mean Time
  • GNC – Galley Network Controller
  • GND – Ground
  • GNLU – GNSS Navigation and Landing Unit
  • GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite System
  • GOBO – Graphical Optical Blackout
  • GP – Group
  • GPCU – Ground Power Control Unit
  • GPIRS – Global Positioning and Inertial Reference System
  • GPM – General Processing Module
  • GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
  • GPS – Global Positioning System
  • GPS – Geometrical Product Specification
  • GPSSU – Global Positioning System Sensor Unit
  • GPT – Ground Programming Tool
  • GPU – Ground Power Unit
  • GPWC – Ground Proximity Warning Computer
  • GPWS – Ground Proximity Warning System
  • GRM – Geometrical Reference Mock-up
  • GRP – Geographic Reference Point
  • GRP – Glass-Reinforced Plastic
  • GRU – Ground Refrigeration Unit
  • GRVTY – Gravity
  • GS – Ground Speed
  • GSB – Ground Service Bus
  • GSE – Ground Support Equipment
  • GSHLD – Glareshield
  • GSM – Global System for Mobile Communication
  • GSP – Ground Service Panel
  • GUI – Graphical User Interface
  • GVI – General Visual Inspection
  • GW – Gross Weight
  • GWDU – Galley Waste Disposal Unit
  • GWR – General Working Rules
  • GYRO – Gyroscope

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  • H/W – Hardware
  • HA – Holding Pattern to an Altitude Termination
  • HARN – Harness
  • HBCS – High Bandwidth Connectivity System
  • HC – Heater Circuit
  • HCS – Humidification Control System
  • HCU – Head Up Combiner Unit
  • HCU – Hydraulic Control Unit
  • HDDA – Hard Disk Drive Array
  • HDG – Heading
  • HDG/S – Heading Selected
  • HDL – Handle
  • HDLG – Handling
  • HDM – HSDU Data Module
  • HDMI – High-Definition Multimedia Interface
  • HDST – Headset
  • HDWHL – Handwheel
  • HEATG – Heating
  • HEGS – Hydraulic Electrical Generating System
  • HEPA – High Efficiency Particulate Air
  • HERTO – High Energy Rejected Takeoff
  • HES – Head-End Switch
  • HES – Head End Server
  • HESU – Head-End Server Unit
  • HF – High Frequency
  • HF – Holding Pattern to a Fixed Waypoint
  • HFDR – High Frequency Data Radio
  • HFEC – High Frequency Eddy Current
  • HFP – Heated Floor Panel
  • HGA – High Gain Antenna
  • HHX – Hydraulic Heat Exchanger
  • HI – High
  • HID – High Intensity Discharge
  • HIDS – Host Intrusion Detection System
  • HL – High Level
  • HLD – High Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier/Diplexer
  • HLD – Hold
  • HLD – High Lift Device
  • HLDR – Holder
  • HLFC – Hybrid Laminar Flow Control
  • HLS – High Lift System
  • HLTY – Healthy
  • HM – Holding Pattern with a Manual Termination
  • HMC – Hydromechanical Control
  • HMC – Hydraulic Monitoring and Control
  • HMCA – Hydraulic Monitoring and Control Application
  • HMCRF – Hydraulic Monitoring and Control Remote Function
  • HMDU – Hatrack Mounted Display Unit
  • HMI – Human-Machine Interface
  • HMU – Hydromechanical Metering Unit
  • HMU – Hydromechanical Unit
  • HOR – Hold Open Rod
  • HOT – High Oil Temperature
  • HP – High Pressure
  • HPA – High Power Amplifier
  • HPC – High Pressure Compressor
  • HPP – Hardware Pin Programming
  • HPR – High Power Relay
  • HPT – High Pressure Turbine
  • HPTACC – High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
  • HPTC – High Pressure Turbine Clearance
  • HPTCC – High Pressure Turbine Case Cooling
  • HPTCC – High Pressure Turbine Clearance Control
  • HPTR – High Pressure Turbine Rotor
  • HPU – Head up Projection Unit
  • HPV – HP Bleed Valve
  • HRP – Horizontal Reference Plane
  • HRU – Highly Resistive Union
  • HS – High Speed
  • HSD – High Speed Data
  • HSDU – High Speed Data Unit
  • HSI – Horizontal Situation Indicator
  • HSMU – Hydraulic System Monitoring Unit
  • HSMU – Hydraulic System Management Unit
  • HSU – HUD Sunvisor Unit
  • HTG – Heating
  • HTR – Heater
  • HUD – Head-Up Display
  • HUDC – Head Up Display Computer
  • HUMIDIF – Humidification
  • HV – High Voltage
  • HVOF – High Velocity Oxygen-Fuel
  • HVPS – High Voltage Power Supply
  • HXX – Hydraulic Heat Exchanger
  • HYD – Hydraulic

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  • I/O – Input/Output
  • I/P – Input
  • I/P – Intercept Point
  • I/P – Intercept Profile
  • IAE – International Aero Engines
  • IAF – Initial Approach Fix
  • IAS – Indicated Airspeed
  • IASC – Integrated Air System Controller
  • IBIT – Initiated BITE
  • IBLC – Inter-Bus Line Contactor
  • IBU – Integrated Ballast Unit
  • ICA – Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
  • ICC – Integrated Change Control
  • ICD – Interface Control Document
  • ICP – Integrated Control Panel
  • ICPS – Integrated Control Panel System
  • ICU – Isolation Control Unit
  • ICU – IGGS Controller Unit
  • ICY – Interchangeability
  • ICY-CS – Interchangeability Compliance Sheet
  • ID – Inside Diameter
  • ID – Identification
  • IDENT – Identification
  • IDENT – Identifier
  • IDENT – Identify
  • IDG – Integrated Drive Generator
  • IDLS – Internal Door Locking System
  • IDU – Interactive Display Unit
  • IF – Initial Fix
  • IFE – In-Flight Entertainment
  • IFEC – In-Flight Entertainment Center
  • IFPA – InFlight Performance Application
  • IFR – Instrument Flight Rules
  • IFS – Inner Fixed Structure
  • IGA – Intermediate Gain Antenna
  • IGB – Inlet Gear Box
  • IGDS – Inert Gas Distribution System
  • IGGS – Inert Gas Generation System
  • IGN – Ignition
  • IGSC – Inert Gas System Control
  • IGV – Inlet Guide Vane
  • IGWI – Integrated Galley Warming Insert
  • ILLUM – Illumination
  • ILS – Instrument Landing System
  • IM – Inner Marker
  • IMA – Integrated Modular Avionics
  • IMACS – Information Management Aircraft-ground Communication System
  • IMCC – Information Management Common Chassis
  • IML – Integration Maintenance Load
  • IMM – Immediate
  • IMMR – Integrated Multi Mode Receiver
  • IMR – Interlock Monitoring Relay
  • IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit
  • INB – Inbound
  • INBD – Inboard
  • INCR – Increment
  • IND – Indicator
  • INDEP – Independent
  • INDG – Indicating
  • INFO – Information
  • INHIB – Inhibit
  • INHIB – Inhibited
  • INHIB – Inhibition
  • INIT – Initial
  • INIT – Initialization
  • INOP – Inoperative
  • INR – Inner
  • INRTL – Inertial
  • INS – Inertial Navigation System
  • INST – Instinctive
  • INST – Instrument
  • INSTL – Installation
  • INSUL – Insulate
  • INSUL – Insulation
  • INSUL – Insulator
  • INT – Interior
  • INTCP – Intercept
  • INTEG – Integral
  • INTEG – Integrally
  • INTERCOM – Intercommunication
  • INTFC – Interface
  • INTL – Internal
  • INTLK – Interlock
  • INTMD – Intermediate
  • INTMT Intermittent
  • INTPH – Interphone
  • INTRG – Interrogate
  • INTRG – Interrogator
  • INTRPT – Interrupt
  • INV – Inverter
  • IOM – Input/Output Module
  • IP – Intermediate Pressure
  • IP – Internet Protocol
  • IPC – Illustrated Parts Catalog
  • IPCOM – Internet Protocol Communication
  • IPCU – Ice Protection Control Unit
  • IPCV – Intermediate Pressure Check Valve
  • IPDU – Ice Protection Data Unit
  • IPPU – Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit
  • IPRAM – Integrated Prerecorded Announcement Module
  • IPSM – Intelligent Power Supply Module
  • IPTCC – Intermediate Pressure Turbine Case Cooling
  • IR – Inertial Reference
  • IRD – Integrated Receiver Decoder
  • IRDC – Interface Remote Data Concentrator
  • IRDM – Integrated Receiver Decoder Module
  • IRP – Integrated Refuel Panel
  • IRS – Inertial Reference System
  • ISA – International Standard Atmosphere
  • ISB – Inspection Service Bulletin
  • ISDN – Integrated Services Data Network
  • ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network
  • ISDPL – Inadvertent Slide Deployment Prevention Light
  • ISIS – Integrated Standby Instrument System
  • ISM – Illumination Sensor Module
  • ISM – In-Service Monitoring
  • ISO – International Standardization Organization
  • ISOL – Isolation
  • ISP – Integrated Static Probe
  • ISPS – In-Seat Power Supply
  • ISPSS In-Seat Power Supply System
  • ISPSU – In-Seat Power Supply Unit
  • ITP – In-Trail Procedure
  • IUL – In-Use Light
  • IV – Isolation Valve
  • IVASEB – Integrated Video and Audio Seat Electronic Box
  • IVS – Inertial Vertical Speed
  • IWDL – Internal Wireless Data Link

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  • JAM – Jammed
  • JAM – Jamming
  • JAR – Joint Aviation Requirements
  • JEP – Jeppesen
  • JFGW – Jettison Final Gross Weight
  • JID – Jeppesen Inflight Database
  • JITX – Jeppesen Integrated Tool Kit X
  • JTSN – Jettison
  • JUNCTN – Junction


  • KANDU – Ku/Ka-band Aircraft Networking Data Unit
  • KBD – Keyboard
  • KCCU – Keyboard and Cursor Control Unit
  • KFS – Kaspersky File System
  • KPP – Key Process Parameter
  • KRFU – Ku/Ka-band Radio Frequency Unit
  • KU – Keyboard Unit


  • L – Left
  • L – Length
  • L/G – Landing Gear
  • L/HIRF – Lightning/High Intensity Radiated Fields
  • LA – Linear Accelerometer
  • LAF – Load Alleviation Function
  • LAILA – LAvatory Interface and Light Adapter
  • LAMM – Lights, Audio and Miscellaneous Module
  • LAN – Local Area Network
  • LAO – Lateral Air Outlet
  • LAT – Lateral
  • LAT – Latitude
  • LAV – Lavatory
  • LBA – Logical Bus Application
  • LBA – Left Bottom Aft
  • LBC – Local Booking Code
  • LBF – Left Bottom Forward
  • LBP – Left Bottom Plug
  • LC – Line Contactor
  • LCA – Life Cycle Assessment
  • LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
  • LCDT – Load Compressor Discharge Temperature
  • LCF – Left Center Fuselage
  • LCH – Latch
  • LCIT – Load Compressor Inlet Temperature
  • LCN – Load Classification Number
  • LCP – Local Control Panel
  • LCTR – Locator
  • LD – Lower Deck
  • LD CAB – Lower Deck Cabin
  • LD GALY – Lower Deck Galley
  • LD LAV – Lower Deck Lavatory
  • LDC – Local Door Controller
  • LDCC – Lower Deck Cargo Compartment
  • LDF – Lower Deck Facilities
  • LDG – Landing
  • LDM – LED-Driver Module
  • LDMCR – Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest
  • LDPA – LanDing Performance Application
  • LDS – Laptop Docking Station
  • LDSF – Lower Deck Surveillance Function
  • LDSS – Lower Deck Surveillance System
  • LE – Leading Edge
  • LED – Light Emitting Diode
  • LEHGS – Local Electro-Hydraulic Generation System
  • LEO – Low Earth Orbit
  • LER – Leading Edge Rib
  • LF – Low Frequency
  • LGA – Low Gain Antenna
  • LGCIS – Landing Gear Control Indication System
  • LGCIU – Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit
  • LGCM – Light Green Communication Manager
  • LGERS – Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System
  • LGL – LED Gobo Light
  • LGMS – Landing Gear Management System
  • LGMS – Landing Gear Monitoring System
  • LGWSS. – Landing Gear Well Surveillance System
  • LH – Left Hand
  • LIB – Loudspeaker and Indicator Box
  • LIM – Limit
  • LIM – Limitation
  • LIM – Limiter
  • LIM – Limiting
  • LIQD – Liquid
  • LIS – Localizer Inertial Smoothing
  • LKD – Locked
  • LKG – Locking
  • LKSHFT – Lockshaft
  • LL – Latitude/longitude
  • LLA – Lavatory Light Adapter
  • LLS – Liquid Level Sensor
  • LMES – Loss of Main Electrical Supply
  • LMF – Local Maintenance Function
  • LMP – Left Middle Plug
  • LMS – Leakage Measurement System
  • LNA – Low Noise Amplifier
  • LNG – Long
  • LNR – Linear
  • LO – Low
  • LOC – Localizer
  • LOCKG – Locking
  • LONG – Longitude
  • LONGL – Longitudinal
  • LONGN – Longeron
  • LOP – Low Oil Pressure
  • LOPA – Layout of Passenger Accommodations
  • LOS – Lavatory Occupied Sign
  • LP – Low Pressure
  • LPC – Low Pressure Compressor
  • LPCNG – LPC New Generation
  • LPT – Low Pressure Turbine
  • LPTACC – Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
  • LPTC – Low Pressure Turbine Clearance
  • LPTCC – Low Pressure Turbine Case Cooling
  • LPTCC – Low Pressure Turbine Clearance Control
  • LPTR – Low Pressure Turbine Rotor
  • LPU – Lightning Protection Unit
  • LPV – Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
  • LRE – List of Radioactive and Hazardous Elements
  • LRI – Line Replaceable Item
  • LRM – Line Replaceable Module
  • LROPS – Long Range Operations
  • LRU – Line Replaceable Unit
  • LS – Landing System
  • LS – Loudspeaker
  • LS – Low Speed
  • LSAP – Loadable Software Aircraft Parts
  • LSB – Least Significant Bit
  • LSB – Lower Sideband
  • LSBM – Load Secure Batch Media
  • LSC – Load Signature Certificate
  • LSDS – Load Sensing Drive Strut
  • LSI – Large Scale Integrated/Integration/Integrator
  • LSR – Load Shedding Relay
  • LT – Light
  • LTA – Left Top Aft
  • LTD – Limited
  • LTD PLT – Lighted Plate
  • LTE – Long Term Evolution
  • LTF – Left Top Forward
  • LTG – Lighting
  • LTM – Livestock Transportation Manual
  • LTP – Left Top Plug
  • LV – Low Voltage
  • LVDS – Low Voltage Differential Signaling
  • LVDT – Linear Variable Differential Transducer
  • LVL – Level
  • LVO – Low Visibility Operations
  • LVP – Low Visibility Procedure
  • LVR – Lever
  • LVT – Linear Voltage Transducer
  • LW – Left Wing
  • LW – Landing Weight
  • LWR – Lower
  • LWSA – Lavatory Water Supply Assy

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  • M/L – Mood Lighting
  • MAC – Mean Aerodynamic Chord
  • MACT – Module Application Configuration Table
  • MAF – Maintenance Access Function
  • MAG – Magnetic
  • MAG DEC – Magnetic Declination
  • MAIN MUX – Main Multiplexer
  • MAINT – Maintenance
  • MAN – Manual
  • MAS – Modulated Air System
  • MAT – Multi-purpose Access Terminal
  • MAX – Maximum
  • MBN – Metallic Bonding Network
  • MCA – Major Component Assembly
  • MCA – Maintenance Central Access
  • MCC – Maintenance Control Center
  • MCCT Module Common Configuration Table
  • MCD – Movable Class Divider
  • MCDL – Master Configuration Deviation List
  • MCDU – Multipurpose Control & Display Unit
  • MCE – Motor Control Electronic
  • MCL – Maximum Climb
  • MCPU – Motor Control and Protection Unit
  • MCS – Mission Computer Subsystem
  • MCSU – Mechanical Crash Sensor Unit
  • MCT – Maximum Continuous Thrust
  • MCTI – Manufacturing Critical Item
  • MCU – Master Control Unit
  • MCU – Modular Concept Unit
  • MCUR – Mean Cycle Between Unscheduled Removals
  • MD – Main Deck
  • MDA – Minimum Descent Altitude
  • MDCC – Main Deck Cargo Compartment
  • MDCD – Main Deck Cargo Door
  • MDCLS – Main Deck Cargo Loading System
  • MDDU – Multipurpose Disk Drive Unit
  • MDH – Minimum Descent Height
  • MDL – Module
  • MDR – Multiregional DBS (Digital Broadcast System) Receiver
  • MDU – Manual Drive Unit
  • MEAS – Measurement
  • MEC – Main Engine Control
  • MECH – Mechanic
  • MECH – Mechanical
  • MECH – Mechanism
  • MED – Medium
  • MEL – Minimum Equipment List
  • MEO – Middle Earth Orbit
  • MEP – Main Executive Program
  • MES – Main Engine Start
  • MET – Meteorological
  • MEW – Manufacturer’s Empty Weight
  • MFA – Memorized Fault Annunciator
  • MFD – MultiFunction Display
  • MFG – Manufacturing
  • MFP – Maintenance Facility Planning
  • MFP – MultiFunction Probe
  • MFR – Manufacturer
  • MFS – MultiFunction Sensor
  • MGB – Main Gear Box
  • MGMT – Management
  • MHE – Magnetic Heading East
  • MHM – Maintenance HMI Manager
  • MHN – Magnetic Heading North
  • MHS – Magnetic Heading South
  • MHW – Magnetic Heading West
  • MI – Magnetic Indicator
  • MIB – Management Information Base
  • MIC – Microphone
  • MICBAC – Micro-System Bus Access Channel
  • MID – Middle
  • MID – Modification Information Document
  • MIDU – Multi-Input Interactive Display Unit
  • MILA – Mini Light Adapter
  • MIN – Minimum
  • MIP – Master Interphone Panel
  • MISC – Miscellaneous
  • MKR – Marker (radio) Beacon
  • MLA – Maneuver Load Alleviation
  • MLAP – Maintenance Laptop
  • MLB – Maintenance LogBook
  • MLC – Mood Lighting Controller
  • MLFAP – Mood Lighting Flight Attendant Panel
  • MLG – Main Landing Gear
  • MLGB – Main Landing Gear Bay
  • MLI – Magnetic Level Indicator
  • MLIH – Magnetic Level Indicator Housing
  • MLS – Microwave Landing System
  • MLW – Maximum Landing Weight
  • MM – Middle Marker
  • MMEL – Master Minimum Equipment List
  • MMI – Manual Magnetic Indicator
  • MMR – Multi-Mode Receiver
  • MNFOLD – Manifold
  • MOD – Modification
  • MODLTR – Modulator
  • MON – Monitor
  • MON – Monitored
  • MON – Monitoring
  • MONMT – Monument
  • MOR – Modular Overceiling Rack
  • MORA – Minimum Off Route Altitude
  • MORV – Mixer Overpressure Relief Valve
  • MOS – Metal Oxyde Semiconductor
  • MOT – Motor
  • MOT – Motorized
  • MPD – Maintenance Planning Document
  • MPDS – Mobile Packet Data Service
  • MPFAP – Multi Purpose Flight Attendant Panel
  • MPU – Modem Processor Unit
  • MPV – Manifold Pressure Valve
  • MPaT – Materials, Processes and Tests
  • MRB – Maintenance Review Board
  • MRBR – Maintenance Review Board Report
  • MRW – Maximum Ramp Weight
  • MSA – Minimum Safe Altitude
  • MSB – Most Significant Bit
  • MSD – Mass Storage Device
  • MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet
  • MSG – Maintenance Steering Group
  • MSG – Message
  • MSI – Maintenance Significant Item
  • MSL – Mean Sea Level
  • MSL – Maintenance System Load
  • MSM – Monitoring System Module
  • MSN – Manufacturer Serial Number
  • MSTR – Master
  • MSU – Media Server Unit
  • MSU – Mode Selector Unit (IRS)
  • MSU – Motor Switching Unit
  • MSW – Microswitch
  • MTBD – Mean Time Between Defects
  • MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures
  • MTBR – Mean Time Between Removals
  • MTBUR – Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals
  • MTD – Maintenance Training Device
  • MTG – Mounting
  • MTI – Multi Tank Indicator
  • MTO – Maximum Take-Off
  • MTOGW – Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
  • MTOW – Maximum Takeoff Weight
  • MTP – Maintenance and Test Panel
  • MTR – Manufacturing Tolerance Requirement
  • MTTF – Mean Time to Failure
  • MTTR – Mean Time to Repair
  • MTTUR – Mean Time to Unscheduled Removal
  • MTW – Maximum Taxi Weight
  • MU – Management Unit
  • MUX – Multiplex
  • MUX – Multiplexer
  • MVDR – Multiple VHF Data Radio
  • MVT – Movement
  • MXR – Mixer
  • MZFW – Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
  • Modem – Modulator-Demodulator
  • Modman – Modem/Manager

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  • N – North
  • N MOS – Negative Metal Oxide Semiconductor
  • N/A – Not Applicable
  • N/W – Nose Wheel
  • N/WS – Nose Wheel Steering
  • N1 – Engine Fan Speed
  • N1 – Low Pressure Rotor Speed
  • N1.D – N1 Descent
  • N1.L – N1 Latch
  • N2 – High Pressure Rotor Speed
  • NAC – Nacelle
  • NAC – Nacelle Air Cooling
  • NADP – Noise Abatement Departure Procedure
  • NAI – Nacelle Anti-Icing
  • NAIADS – New Air and Inertia Automatic Data Switching
  • NAIF – NSS ACR Instrumentation Function
  • NAS – Navy and Army Standard
  • NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NATS – North American Telephone System
  • NAV – Navigation
  • NAVAID – Navigation Aid
  • NBCM Normal Brake Control Manifold
  • NBD – Network Block Device
  • NBF – Network BITE Function
  • NBPT – No Break Power Transfer
  • NBSELV – Normal Brake Selector Valve
  • NC – Normally Closed
  • NCD – No Computed Data
  • NCR – NSS Communication Router
  • NCU – NSS Control Unit
  • NCU – Network Control Unit
  • NCV – Nacelle Cooling Valve
  • ND – Navigation Display
  • NDB – Non-Directional Beacon
  • NDM – Noise Definition Manual
  • NDT – Non-Destructive Test
  • NEG – Negative
  • NEO – New Engine Option
  • NEOL – Near End Of Life
  • NFC – Near Field Communication
  • NFOV – Narrow Field of View
  • NFSI – Non-Functional Standard Item
  • NGV – Nozzle Guide Vane
  • NHA – Next Higher Assembly
  • NLG – Nose Landing Gear
  • NMI – Non Maskable Interrupt
  • NMS – Noise Masking System
  • NMU – Noise Masking Unit
  • NO – Normal Operation
  • NO – Normally Open
  • NORM – Normal
  • NOVOLRAM – Non-volatile Random Access Memory
  • NRW – Net Recoverable Weight
  • NS – No Smoking
  • NSA – Norme Sud Aviation
  • NSCM NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers
  • NSDW – Non Specific Design Work
  • NSI – Non Standard Item
  • NSIU – Nose Static Interface Unit
  • NSM – Network Server Module
  • NSS – Network Server System
  • NTF – Non-Textile Floor covering
  • NTM – Nondestructive Testing Manual
  • NTSC – National Television System Committee
  • NTWK – Network
  • NUM – Numerical
  • NVM – Non-Volatile Memory
  • NWS – Nose Wheel Steering
  • No. – Number

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  • O – Open
  • O/P – Output
  • O2 – Oxygen
  • OAMS – Onboard Asynchronous Messaging Service
  • OANC – Onboard Airport Navigation Computer
  • OANS – Onboard Airport Navigation System
  • OAT – Outside Air Temperature
  • OBCE – On-Board Control Equipment
  • OBCE-WW – On-Board Control Equipment – WorldWide
  • OBOGS – On Board Oxygen Generation System
  • OBRM – On Board Replaceable Module
  • OBS – Omni Bearing Selector
  • OC – Oceanic Clearance
  • OC – Open Circuit
  • OC – Overcurrent
  • OCCPD – Occupied
  • OCCPNT – Occupant
  • OCED – Operator-Customized ECAM Database
  • OCM – Outflow Valve Control Module
  • OCSM – Outflow Valve Control and Sensor Module
  • OCU – Outflow Valve Control Unit
  • OD – Outside Diameter
  • ODMS – Oil Debris Monitoring System
  • ODR – Operator Differences Requirement
  • ODR – On-Demand Repository
  • ODSM – Open world Data Storage Module
  • ODU – Optical Display Unit
  • OEA – Oxygen Enriched Air
  • OEW – Operational Empty Weight
  • OF – Overfrequency
  • OFDM – Onboard Flight Data Monitoring
  • OFF/R – Off Reset
  • OFMV – Oil Flow Management Valve
  • OFP – Operational Flight Program
  • OFST – Offset
  • OFV – Outflow Valve
  • OFW – Outer False Work
  • OGV – Outlet Guide Vane
  • OH – Opposite Hand
  • OHDS – OverHeat Detection System
  • OHDSL – OverHeat Detection System Light
  • OHDU – Overheat Detection Unit
  • OHSC – Overhead Stowage Compartment
  • OHU – Optical Head Unit
  • OIS – Onboard Information System
  • OIT – Oil Inlet Temperature
  • OIT – Onboard Information Terminal
  • OK – Correct
  • OM – Outer Marker
  • OMS – Onboard Maintenance System
  • OMT – Onboard Maintenance Terminal
  • OMTS – On-Board Mobile Telephony System
  • OOOI – Out of the gate, Off the ground, On the ground, Into the gate
  • OOT – Oil Outlet Temperature
  • OP – Operational
  • OPER – Operative/Operation/Operating
  • OPM – Optical Module
  • OPMS – Oleo Pressure Monitoring System
  • OPNG – Opening
  • OPP – Opposite
  • OPS – Operations
  • OPSOV – Over-Pressure Shut Off Valve
  • OPT – Optimum
  • OPT – Optional
  • OPTS – Oleo Pressure and Temperature Sensor
  • OPU – Overspeed Protection Unit
  • OPU – Overvoltage Protection Unit
  • OPV – Overpressure Valve
  • ORT – Owner Requirement Table
  • ORVD – Overpressure Relief Valve with Dump Function
  • OS – Operating System
  • OSCM – Oxygen System Control and Monitoring
  • OSCU – Oxygen System Control Unit
  • OSF – Open world Server Function
  • OSFC – Open world Server Function Cabinet
  • OSP – Open Software Platform
  • OTSSU – Outboard Transmission Speed Sensor Unit
  • OU – Outlet Unit
  • OUT – Outlet
  • OUTB – Outbound
  • OUTBD – Outboard
  • OUTFLW – Outflow
  • OUTR – Outer
  • OVBD – Overboard
  • OVFL – Overflow
  • OVHD – Overhead
  • OVHT – Overheat
  • OVLD – Overload
  • OVPRESS – Overpressure
  • OVRD – Override
  • OVSP – Overspeed
  • OVSTEER – Oversteer
  • OVTEMP – Overtemperature
  • OWD – Open World Diode
  • OWD – Overwing Door
  • OWS – Open World Shell
  • OXY – Oxygen

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  • P – Purple
  • P/B – Pushbutton
  • P/BSW – Pushbutton Switch
  • P/C – Printed Circuit
  • P/C – Premium Class
  • P/N – Part Number
  • P/Y – Premium Economy Class
  • PA – Passenger Address
  • PADS – Pneumatic Air Distribution System
  • PARAM – Parameter
  • PARK – Parking
  • PAS – Pitch Attitude Sensor
  • PATS – Passenger Air-to-Ground Telephone System
  • PAX – Passenger
  • PB – Processing Board
  • PBD – Place Bearing/Distance
  • PBE – Protective Breathing Equipment
  • PBIT – Power-Up Built-in Test
  • PBM – Power Plant Build-up Manual
  • PBSELV – Park Brake Selector Valve
  • PBSW – Pushbutton Switch
  • PC – Pack Controller
  • PC – Personal Computer
  • PCB – Printed Circuit Board
  • PCD – Protection and Commutation Device
  • PCDM – Primary Contactor Driver Module
  • PCDS – Primary Contactor Driver System
  • PCE – PreCooler Exchanger
  • PCM – Power Conditioning Module
  • PCM – Pulse Code Modulation
  • PCMCIA – Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
  • PCOS – Power Cowl Opening System
  • PCPU – Primary COS Power Unit
  • PCS – Propulsion Control System
  • PCT – Probe Compensator Temperature
  • PCTI – Performance Critical Item
  • PCU – Passenger Control Unit
  • PCU – Power Control Unit
  • PCU – Power Controller Unit
  • PD – Principle Diagram
  • PDB – Performance Database
  • PDCS – Power Distribution Control System
  • PDFU – Pedal Damping and Friction Unit
  • PDI – Power and Data Interface
  • PDL – Portable Data Loader
  • PDMC – Power Distribution Maintenance Computer
  • PDMI – Power Distribution Maintenance Interface
  • PDMIC – Power Distribution Maintenance Interface Contactor
  • PDMMF – Power Distribution Monitoring and Maintenance Function
  • PDO – Power Door Opening
  • PDOS – Power Door Opening System
  • PDT – Probe Dual Temperature
  • PDU – Power Drive Unit
  • PE – HP Stage Air Pressure
  • PED – Portable Electronic Device
  • PED – Pedestal
  • PEDMU – Primary Electrical Distribution Management Unit
  • PEF – Pylon Extension Fairing
  • PEPDC – Primary Electrical Power Distribution Center
  • PERF – Performance
  • PERM – Permanent
  • PERS – Personal
  • PES – Passenger Entertainment System
  • PESAR – Passenger Entertainment System Audio Reproducer
  • PESC – PES Controller
  • PESMMUX – Passenger Entertainment System Main Mux
  • PF – Pilot Flying
  • PF – Power Factor
  • PF3D – Primary Full Format Flight Display
  • PFC – Primary Flight Control
  • PFCS – Primary Flight Control System
  • PFD – Primary Flight Display
  • PFDB – Power Floor Disconnect Box
  • PFIS – Passenger Flight Information System
  • PFQ – Preselected Fuel Quantity
  • PFR – Post Flight Report
  • PFTU – Pedal Feel and Trim Unit
  • PH – Phase
  • PHARS – Pretensioning Head Arc Reduction System
  • PHC – Probe Heat Computer
  • PHD – Protruding Head
  • PHMU – Power Health Monitoring Unit
  • PHMU – Prognostic and Health Monitoring Unit
  • PIESD – Passenger Information and Entertainment Services Domain
  • PIM – Programming and Indication Module
  • PIM – Passive InterModulation
  • PIN PROG – Pin Programming
  • PIPC – Power Plant Illustrated Parts Catalog
  • PIREP – Pilot Report
  • PISA – Passenger Interface and Supply Adapter
  • PIU – Passenger Information Unit
  • PKI – Public Key Infrastructure
  • PKK – Power Plant Kit
  • PL – Plate
  • PLA – Power Light Adapter
  • PLC – Powerline Communication
  • PLCRD – Placard
  • PLSP – Point Level Sensor Processor
  • PLU – Power Locking Unit
  • PMA – Permanent Magnet Alternator
  • PMAT – Portable Multipurpose Access Terminal
  • PMC – Power Management Control
  • PMC – Power Management Controller
  • PMDB – Production Management Data Base
  • PMG – Permanent Magnet Generator
  • PMM – Personalization Memory Module
  • PMP – Pump
  • PMR – Performance Maintenance Recorder
  • PMS – Process and Material Specification
  • PMU – Power Management Unit
  • PMUX – Power Plant Multiplexer
  • PN – Part Number
  • PNEU – Pneumatic
  • PNF – Pilot Non Flying
  • PNL – Panel
  • PNR – Part Number
  • PNTL – Pintle
  • POB – Pressure-Off Brake
  • POB – Power-Off Brake
  • PODD – Passenger Owned Devices Domain
  • POM – Point of Measurement
  • POR – Point of Regulation
  • PORT – Portable
  • POS – Position
  • POT – Potentiometer
  • POXIP – Passenger Oxygen Indication Panel
  • PPOS – Present Position
  • PPSI – Pre-Processed Signal Input
  • PPU – Position Pickoff Unit
  • PR – Pressure
  • PRAM – Prerecorded Announcement and Music
  • PRB – Probe
  • PRE-EMPT – Pre-emptive
  • PREAMP – Preamplifier
  • PRECOOL – Precooler
  • PRED – Prediction
  • PRED – Predictive
  • PREREC – Prerecorded
  • PRES POS – Present Position
  • PRESEL – Preselection
  • PRESEL – Preselector
  • PRESS – Pressure
  • PRESS – Pressurization
  • PRESS – Pressurize
  • PREV – Previous
  • PRI – Priority
  • PRIM – Primary
  • PRIM – PRIMary System
  • PRIM – PRIMary Computer
  • PRM – Person with Reduced Mobility
  • PROC – Procedure
  • PROCSR – Processor
  • PROF – Profile
  • PROG – Program
  • PROG – Programming
  • PROJ – Projector
  • PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory
  • PROT – Protection
  • PROX – Proximity
  • PRPHL – Peripheral
  • PRR – Power Ready Relay
  • PRSOV – Pressure Regulating and Shut-Off Valve
  • PRSRZG – Pressurizing
  • PRV – Pressure Regulating Valve
  • PSA – Passenger Service Adapter
  • PSB – Power Supply Board
  • PSCU – Proximity Switch Control Unit
  • PSD – Protected Switch Device
  • PSDU – Power Supply Decoupling Unit
  • PSIC – Proximity Sensor Interface Card
  • PSIU – Passenger Service Information Unit
  • PSM – Pressure Sensor Module
  • PSS – Passenger Services System
  • PSSTR – Preliminary Supplier Selection Technical Review
  • PSU – Passenger Service Unit
  • PSU – Power Supply Unit
  • PT – Point
  • PTC – Positive Temperature Coefficient
  • PTP – Programming and Test Panel
  • PTR – Push to Reset
  • PTT – Push-to-Test
  • PTT – Push-to-Talk
  • PTU – Power Transfer Unit
  • PU – Parts Usage
  • PU – Pick Up
  • PU – Processing Unit
  • PURS – Purser
  • PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
  • PVI – Paravisual Indicating
  • PVIS – Passenger Visual Information System
  • PW – Pratt & Whitney
  • PWCU – Potable Water Control Unit
  • PWIP – Potable Water Indication Panel
  • PWM – Pulse Width Modulator
  • PWR – Power
  • PWS – Potable Water System
  • PWS – Predictive WindShear
  • PWSP – Potable Water Service Panel
  • PXE – Pre-boot eXecution Environment
  • PYL – Pylon

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  • Q – Pitch Rate
  • QAD – Quick-Attach-Detach
  • QAM – Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
  • QAR – Quick Access Recorder
  • QAT – Quadruple ARINC Transmitter
  • QCCU – Quantity Calculation Control Unit
  • QD – Quick Donning
  • QEC – Quick Engine Change
  • QFRP – Quartz Fiber Reinforced Plastic
  • QMU – QAM Modulator Unit
  • QTY – Quantity


  • R – Red
  • R – Right
  • R-LMF – Right Side Local Maintenance Function
  • R-MAX – Retrofit Maintenance Exchanger
  • R-OMS – Right Side Onboard Maintenance System
  • R/C – Rate of Climb
  • R/D – Rate of Descent
  • R/I – Radio/Inertial
  • R/I – Removal/Installation
  • R/L – Reading Light
  • R/T – Radio Transmit
  • RA – Radio Altimeter
  • RA – Radio Altitude
  • RAAS – Runway Awareness and Advisory System
  • RAC – Rotor Active Clearance
  • RACA – Ram Air Channel Actuator
  • RACC – Rotor Active Clearance Control
  • RACSB – Rotor Active Clearance Start Bleed
  • RAD – Radio
  • RADIUS – Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
  • RADVR – Random Access Digital Video Reproducer
  • RAI – Ram Air Inlet
  • RAIMS – Radio and Audio Integrating Management System
  • RALS – Recording and Aircraft Locating System
  • RAM – Random Access Memory
  • RAO – Ram Air Outlet
  • RAT – Ram Air Turbine
  • RATC – Remote Air Traffic Control
  • RB – Resource BITE
  • RBA – Right Bottom Aft
  • RBCU – Remote Braking Control Unit
  • RBF – Right Bottom Forward
  • RBP – Right Bottom Plug
  • RBPU – Rudder and Brake Pedal Unit
  • RC – Repetitive Chime
  • RCC – Remote Charge Converter
  • RCC – Remote Control Center
  • RCCB – Remote Control Circuit Breaker
  • RCCBM – RCCB Module
  • RCD – RAAS Configuration DataBase
  • RCDR – Recorder
  • RCF – Right Center Fuselage
  • RCL – Recall
  • RCP – Reverse Current Protection
  • RCPT – Receptacle
  • RCPTN – Reception
  • RCS – Radio Communication System
  • RCT – Rear Center Tank
  • RCVR – Receiver
  • RCVY – Recovery
  • RCZ – Rear Core Zone
  • RD – Retro Drawing
  • RDC – Remote Data Concentrator
  • RDL – Resident Data Loader
  • RDU – Receiver Decoder Unit
  • RDY – Ready
  • READG – Reading
  • RECIRC – Recirculate
  • RECIRC – Recirculation
  • RECONF – Reconfiguration
  • RECT – Rectifier
  • RED – Reduction
  • REDCR – Reducer
  • REDUND – Redundancy
  • REF – Reference
  • REFUEL – Refueling
  • REG – Regulator
  • REGUL – Regulation
  • REIC – Reconfigurable ETOPS Isolation Contactor
  • REL – Release
  • REL – Reluctance
  • REM – Representative Model
  • REP – Repository
  • RES – Resistance
  • RET – Retract
  • RETRD – Retracted
  • REV – Reverse
  • REV – Revise
  • REV – Revision
  • REW – Recoverable Empty Weight
  • RF – Radio Frequency
  • RFC – Request for Change
  • RFI – Radio Frequency Interference
  • RFI – Request for Information
  • RFID – Radio Frequency Identification
  • RFU – Radio Frequency Unit
  • RFW – Request for Work
  • RGAU – Rate Gyro and Accelerometer Unit
  • RH – Right Hand
  • RHEO – Rheostat
  • RHL – Rudder Hinge Line
  • RIM – Rear Interface Module
  • RIU – Recorder Interface Unit
  • RLA – Reverser Lever Angle
  • RLD – Required Landing Distance
  • RLF – Relief
  • RLY – Relay
  • RMF – Rear Mount Fairing
  • RMI – Radio Magnetic Indicator
  • RMO – Retrofit Modification Offer
  • RMP – Radio and Audio Management Panel
  • RMP – Radio Management Panel
  • RMT – Remote
  • RNG – Range
  • RNLG – Reinforced Nose Landing Gear
  • RNP – Required Navigation Performance
  • ROLR – Roller
  • ROLS – Remote Oil Level Sensor
  • ROM – Read Only Memory
  • ROP – Runway Overrun Protection
  • ROPS – Runway Overrun Prevention System
  • ROT – Runway Occupancy Time
  • ROTG – Rotating
  • ROW – Runway end Overrun Warning
  • RPCU – Residual Pressure Control Unit
  • RPDR – Reproducer
  • RPF – Reporting Processing Function
  • RPF – Rear Pylon Fairing
  • RPLNT – Repellent
  • RPSA – Rotating Pressure Sensing Assembly
  • RPTG – Repeating
  • RPTR – Repeater
  • RQRD – Required
  • RR – Rolls Royce
  • RRU – Recorder Release Unit
  • RS – Rear Spar
  • RSC – Removable Structural Component
  • RSM – Removable SIM Module
  • RSS – Receiver Surveillance System
  • RST – Reset
  • RSV – Reserve
  • RSVR – Reservoir
  • RTA – Required Time of Arrival
  • RTA – Right Top Aft
  • RTBC – Refuel and Towing on Battery Contactor
  • RTC – Return To Cabin
  • RTE – Route
  • RTF – Right Top Forward
  • RTM – Real Time Monitoring
  • RTN – Return
  • RTNC – Refuel and Towing on Normal Contactor
  • RTO – Rejected TakeOff
  • RTOLW – Regulatory TakeOff and Landing Weight
  • RTOW – Regulatory TakeOff Weight
  • RTP – Right Top Plug
  • RTR – Router
  • RTRY – Rotary
  • RTS – Return to Seat
  • RTT – Return To Tank
  • RTU – Radar Transceiver Unit
  • RUD – Rudder
  • RVCP – Remote Video Control Panel
  • RVDT – Rotary Variable Differential Transducer
  • RVR – Runway Visual Range
  • RVSM – Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
  • RVT – Rotary Variable Transformer
  • RW – Right Wing
  • RWDS – Rearwards
  • RWY – Runway
  • RX – Receive

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  • S – Minimum Slat Retract Speed (EFIS)
  • S – South
  • S/C – Step Climb
  • S/D – Step Descent
  • S/MECH – Shortening Mechanism
  • S/N – Serial Number
  • S/W – Software
  • SA – Stress Analysis
  • SACL – Stand Alone Content Loader
  • SACU – Stand Alone Compensator Unit
  • SACU – Semi-Automatic Control Unit
  • SAD – Stress Analysis Data
  • SAE – Society of Automotive Engineers
  • SAF – Safety
  • SAGB – Step Aside GearBox
  • SAL – System Address Label
  • SALSA – Spot Array Light Supply Adapter
  • SAM – Stress Analysis Manual
  • SAOHE – Surface Air/Oil Heat Exchanger
  • SAR – Smart ACMS Recorder
  • SAS – Secondary Air System
  • SAT – Static Air Temperature
  • SATCOM – Satellite Communication
  • SAV – Starter Air Valve
  • SB – Service Bulletin
  • SBB – Swift Broadband
  • SBIT – Service Bulletin Information Transmission
  • SC – Single Chime
  • SCAV – Scavenge
  • SCE – Source
  • SCG – System Configuration Guide
  • SCI – Secure Communication Interface
  • SCM – SDU Configuration Module
  • SCN – Specification Change Notice
  • SCS – Supplemental Cooling System
  • SCU – Supplemental Control Unit
  • SCU – System Control Unit
  • SD – System Display
  • SDAC – System Data Acquisition Concentrator
  • SDAC – System Data Analog Converter
  • SDCU – Smoke Detection Control Unit
  • SDF – Smoke Detection Function
  • SDL – Simple Data Loader
  • SDM – Smart Diode Module
  • SDN – System Description Note
  • SDOF – Single Degree of Freedom
  • SDS – Smoke Detection System
  • SDT – Smart Dataloading Tool
  • SDU – Satellite Data Unit
  • SDW – Specific Design Work
  • SE – Simplified English
  • SE – Section
  • SEAL – Sealing
  • SEB – Seat Electronic Box
  • SEC – Secondary
  • SEC – SECondary Computer
  • SEC – Spoiler Elevator Computer
  • SECT – Section
  • SEL – Select
  • SEL – Selected
  • SEL – Selection
  • SEL – Selector
  • SELCAL – Selective Calling
  • SELV – Selector Valve
  • SEMR – System Equipment Maintenance Requirements
  • SEPDC – Secondary Electrical Power Distribution Center
  • SEQ – Sequence
  • SEQ – Sequential
  • SER – Serial
  • SER – Serial Number
  • SES – Support Equipment Summary
  • SET – Setting
  • SFAR – Special Federal Aviation Regulation
  • SFC – Specific Fuel Consumption
  • SFCC – Slat Flap Control Computer
  • SFE – Seller Furnished Equipment
  • SG – Starter Generator
  • SGCU – Smart Galley Control Unit
  • SGCU – Starter Generator Control Unit
  • SGSC – Sheddable Ground Servicing Contactor
  • SGU – Symbol Generator Unit
  • SH ABS – Shock Absorber
  • SHED – Sheddable
  • SHED – Shedding
  • SHLD – Shield
  • SHLD – Shielding
  • SHR PN – Shear Pin
  • SHT – Short
  • SI – Slip Indicator
  • SIC – System Isolation Contactor
  • SICU – System Interface Control Unit
  • SID – Standard Instrument Departure
  • SIG – Signal
  • SIL – Speech Interference Level
  • SIL – Service Information Letter
  • SIM – Simulation
  • SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
  • SIR – Service Identification Request
  • SIRU – Secure Interface Router Unit
  • SIS – Standalone Identification System
  • SITR – System Installation Technical Reference
  • SIU – Server Interface Unit
  • SKT – Socket
  • SL ALI – Safe Life Airworthiness Limitation Items
  • SLA – Spot Light Adapter
  • SLC – Starter Line Contactor
  • SLCA – Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment
  • SLD – Slide
  • SLD – Sliding
  • SLT – Slat
  • SM – Standards Manual
  • SMC – System Manager Controller
  • SMEL – Seat-Mounted Emergency Light
  • SMK – Smoke
  • SMKG – Smoking
  • SMM – System Management Module
  • SN – Serial Number
  • SNGL – Single
  • SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
  • SNSG – Sensing
  • SNSR – Sensor
  • SO – Shutoff
  • SOL – Solenoid
  • SOMF – Structural Overload Monitoring Function
  • SOV – Shut-Off Valve
  • SPB – Seat Power Box
  • SPC – Smart PCMCIA Card
  • SPD – Speed
  • SPDB – Secondary Power Distribution Box
  • SPEC – Specification
  • SPKR – Speaker
  • SPL – Sound Pressure Level
  • SPLR – Spoiler
  • SPLY – Supply
  • SPM – Signal Processing Module
  • SPM – Standard Practices Manual
  • SPP – Software Pin Programming
  • SPP-BA – SPP Broadcasting Application
  • SPPU – Station Position Pick-off Unit
  • SPR – Spar
  • SPRDR – Spreader
  • SPS – Seat Power Supply
  • SPSS – Seat Power Supply System
  • SPST – Single Pole Single Throw
  • SPU – Starter Power Unit
  • SQ – Squelch
  • SRF – Servicing and aircraft condition parameters Reporting Function
  • SRI – aircraft Structural Repair Identification
  • SRM – Structural Repair Manual
  • SRPS – Safe Redundant Power Supply
  • SRPSU – Slide Release Power Supply Unit
  • SRPU – Safe Redundant Power Unit
  • SRS – Speed Reference System
  • SRU – Shop Replaceable Unit
  • SSA – Side Slip Angle
  • SSB – Single Side Band
  • SSCVR – Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder
  • SSEC – Static Source Error Correction
  • SSFDR – Solid State Flight Data Recorder
  • SSID – Service Set Identifier
  • SSM – Sign Status Matrix
  • SSMM – Solid State Mass Memory
  • SSP – System Signal Processor
  • SSPC – Solid State Power Controller
  • SSTDU – Side Stick Transducer and Damper Unit
  • SSTU – Side Stick Transducer Unit
  • SSU – Side Stick Unit
  • STA – Station
  • STAB – Stabilizer
  • STAR – Standard Terminal Arrival Route
  • STAT – Static
  • STBY – Standby
  • STD – Standard
  • STELLA – STair Electrical Light Load Adapter
  • STGR – Stringer
  • STL – System Torque Limiter
  • STR – Stringer
  • STR – Specific Tolerance Requirement
  • STRG – Steering
  • STRK – Stroke
  • STRM – Secure open and Trip Resident Memory
  • STS – Status
  • STWG – Stowage
  • SUCT – Suction
  • SUPPL – Supplementary
  • SUPPR – Suppressor
  • SURF – Surface
  • SV – Servovalve
  • SVA – Stator Vane Actuator
  • SVCE – Service
  • SVO – Servo
  • SVS – Synthetic Vision System
  • SW – Switch
  • SWTG – Switching
  • SYNC – Synchro
  • SYNC – Synchronize
  • SYNTHR – Synthetizer
  • SYS – System
  • SyDMP – System Design Modification Plan
  • SyDPAP – System Development and Process Assurance Plan
  • SyFAR – System FAL Acceptance Review
  • SyFFR – System First Flight Review
  • SyPDR – System Preliminary Design Review
  • SyPR – System Planning Review

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  • T – Trim
  • T – Turn
  • T – True
  • T-R – Transmitter-Receiver
  • T.O – TakeOff
  • T/C – Top of Climb
  • T/D – Top of Descent
  • T/F – Track of a Fixed Waypoint
  • T/R – Thrust Reverser
  • T/TISS – Traffic and Terrain Integrated Surveillance System
  • T2C – HP Compressor Inlet Temperature
  • T2CAS – Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System
  • T54 – Low Pressure Turbine Inlet Temperature
  • TA – Traffic Advisory
  • TAC – Taxiing Aid Camera
  • TACAN – Tactical Air Navigation
  • TACH – Tachometer
  • TACS – Taxiing Aid Camera System
  • TACT – Tactical
  • TADD – Trim Air Drive Device
  • TAS – True Airspeed
  • TASE – Training Areas of Special Emphasis
  • TAT – Total Air Temperature
  • TAWS – Terrain Awareness and Warning System
  • TB – Terminal Block
  • TBC – To Be Confirmed
  • TBO – Time Between Overhauls
  • TBV – Transient Bleed Valve
  • TC – HP Turbine Case Pressure
  • TC – Theoretical Contour
  • TC – Thermocouple
  • TCA – Throttle Control Assy
  • TCAF – Turbine Cooling Air Front
  • TCAM – Turbine Cooling Air Middle
  • TCAP – TCAS Resolution Advisory Prevention
  • TCAR – Turbine Cooling Air Rear
  • TCAS – Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
  • TCC – Thrust Control Computer
  • TCC – Turbine Case Cooling
  • TCC – Turbine Clearance Control
  • TCG – Time Corrected Gain
  • TCIU – Telephone Communication Interface Unit
  • TCM – Thrust Control Malfunction
  • TCS – Temperature Control System
  • TCU – Throttle Control Unit
  • TCU – Transport Cargo Unit
  • TDB – Terrain DataBase
  • TDC – Top Dead Center
  • TDS – Technical Data Sheet
  • TE – HP Stage Air Temperature
  • TE – Trailing Edge
  • TEC – Turbine Exhaust Case
  • TED – Tool and Equipment Drawing
  • TEFO – Total Engine Flame Out
  • TEI – Tool and Equipment Index
  • TELECOM – Telecommunications
  • TEM – Tool and Equipment Manual
  • TEMP – Temperature
  • TEO – Engine Oil Temperature
  • TER – Trailing Edge Rib
  • TFTS – Terrestrial Flight Telephone System
  • TFU – Technical Follow-up
  • TGCU – Terminal GPRS / UMTS Client Unit
  • TGT – Target
  • TGT – Turbine Gas Temperature
  • THD – Total Harmonic Distortion
  • THERAP – Therapeutic
  • THR – Thrust
  • THRM – Thermal
  • THRMST – Thermostat
  • THROT – Throttle
  • THROT PUSH – Throttle Pusher
  • THS – Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
  • THSA – Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator
  • TIC – Turbine Impingement Cooling
  • TIT – Turbine Inlet Temperature
  • TIU – Terminal Interface Unit
  • TIV – Temperature Isolation Valve
  • TK – Tank
  • TKE – Track Angle Error
  • TLA – Throttle Lever Angle
  • TLC – TR Line Contactor
  • TLCS – Trolley Lift & Conveyance System
  • TLS – Transcowl Locking System
  • TLS – Trolley Lift System
  • TLU – Travel Limitation Unit
  • TLV – Tertiary Lock Valve
  • TM – Torque Motor
  • TM – Transportability Manual
  • TMLB – Technical and Maintenance LogBook
  • TMR – Timer
  • TOGA – Takeoff/Go Around
  • TOGW – Takeoff Gross Weight
  • TOIL – Toilet
  • TOL – Tolerance
  • TOMCONF – Take-Off Multi Configuration
  • TOPA – TakeOff Performance Application
  • TOS – TakeOff Securing
  • TOT – Total
  • TOW – Takeoff Weight
  • TPIC – Tire Pressure Indicating Computer
  • TPIS – Tire Pressure Indicating System
  • TPR – Turbofan Power Ratio
  • TPS – Temporary Protection System
  • TPU – Terminal Processor Unit
  • TR – Thrust Reverser
  • TR – Transformer Rectifier
  • TR – Transistor
  • TRA – Throttle Resolver Angle
  • TRANS – Transition
  • TRANSLG – Translating
  • TRAS – Thrust Reverser Actuation System
  • TRC – Thrust Rating Computer
  • TRDV – Thrust Reverser Directional Valve
  • TRF – Turbine Rear Frame
  • TRGT – Target
  • TRIG – Trigger
  • TRK – Track
  • TRLY – Trolley
  • TROPO – Tropopause
  • TRP – Thrust Rating Panel
  • TRPU – Thrust Reverser Power Unit
  • TRPV – Thrust Reverser Pressurizing Valve
  • TRQE – Torque
  • TRV – Travel
  • TS – TCU Sensor
  • TSA – Throttle Sensor Angle
  • TSAS – Temperature Secondary Air System
  • TSD – Trouble Shooting Data
  • TSF – Trouble Shooting Function
  • TSFC – Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
  • TSM – Trouble Shooting Manual
  • TSP – Tank Signalling Processor
  • TSPA – Tank Signal Processor A
  • TSPB – Tank Signal Processor B
  • TSU – Torque Sensor Unit
  • TT – Trim Tank
  • TTL – Transistor Transistor Logic
  • TTOL – Taxi, Takeoff and Landing
  • TTS – Trim Tank System
  • TU – Tapping Unit
  • TUCD – Thermostat Unit Control Device
  • TURB – Turbine
  • TURB – Turbulence
  • TURB – Turbulent
  • TV – Television
  • TVBC – Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling
  • TWDC – Tank Wall Data Concentrator
  • TWLU – Terminal Wireless LAN Unit
  • TX – Transmit
  • TYP – Typical

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  • U/FLOOR – Underfloor
  • U/S – Unserviceable
  • UADF – User Application Definition File
  • UD – Upper Deck
  • UDCC – Upper Deck Cargo Compartment
  • UDCD – Upper Deck Cargo Door
  • UDP – User Datagram Protocol
  • UEB – Underseat Electronic Box
  • UERF – Uncontained Engine Rotor Failure
  • UF – Underfrequency
  • UHF – Ultra High Frequency
  • UICDL – User Interface Configuration Download List
  • ULA – Universal Light Adapter
  • ULA M – Universal Light Adapter Module
  • ULB – Underwater Locator Beacon
  • ULD – Unit Load Device
  • ULLI – Understep LED Light
  • UMS – User Modifiable Software
  • UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
  • UNBAL – Unbalance
  • UNBAL – Unbalanced
  • UND – Under
  • UNDERPRESS – Underpressure
  • UNIV – Universal
  • UNLK – Unlock
  • UNLKD – Unlocked
  • UPLK – Uplock
  • UPLKD – Uplocked
  • UPPR – Upper
  • UPR – Upper
  • USB – Universal Serial Bus
  • USB – Upper Sideband
  • UTC – Universal Time Coordinated
  • UV – Ultra-Violet
  • UV – Under Voltage
  • UWBS – Universal Wireless Backbone System

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  • V – Valve
  • V/S – Vertical Speed
  • VAC – Voltage Alternating Current
  • VACU – Vacuum
  • VAFN – Variable Area Fan Nozzle
  • VAR – Variable
  • VAR – Variation
  • VBV – Variable Bleed Valve
  • VC – Ventilation Controller
  • VCC – Video Control Center
  • VCI – Video Control Insert
  • VCM – Video Camera Module
  • VCO – Voltage Controlled Oscillator
  • VCP – Video Control Panel
  • VCRU – Vapor Cycle Refrigeration Unit
  • VCS – Ventilation Control System
  • VCU – Video Control Unit
  • VDAR – Virtual DAR
  • VDC – Voltage Direct Current
  • VDEV – Vertical Deviation
  • VDHM – Variable Displacement Hydraulic Motor
  • VDL – VHF Data Link
  • VDR – VHF Data Radio
  • VDU – Video Display Unit
  • VE – Virtual Equipment
  • VEL – Velocity
  • VENT – Ventilation
  • VERT – Vertical
  • VFG – Variable Frequency Generator
  • VFR – Visual Flight Rules
  • VG – Vertical Gyro
  • VG – Ground Terminal Module
  • VGM – Versatile Graphical Module
  • VHCU – Versatile Heating Control Unit
  • VHDU – Versatile Heating Data Unit
  • VHF – Very High Frequency
  • VHV – Very High Voltage
  • VIB – Vibration
  • VIGV – Variable Inlet Guide Vane
  • VIMU – Video Multiplexer Unit
  • VL – Virtual Link
  • VLF – Very Low Frequency
  • VLV – Valve
  • VM – Voltmeter
  • VMU – Video Modulator Unit
  • VN – Grounding Point
  • VOD – Video On Demand
  • VODDSU – VOD Data Server Unit
  • VODMU – VOD Modulator Unit
  • VODSU – VOD Server Unit
  • VOL – Volume
  • VOR – VHF Omnidirectional Range
  • VORV – Variable Oil Reduction Valve
  • VQAR – Virtual QAR
  • VR – Rotation Speed
  • VRU – Video Reproducer Unit
  • VSB – Vendor Service Bulletin
  • VSC – Vacuum System Controller
  • VSCF – Variable Speed Constant Frequency
  • VSEB Video Seat Electronic Box
  • VSI – Vertical Speed Indicator
  • VSV – Variable Stator Vane
  • VSVA – Variable Stator Vane Actuator
  • VSWR – Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
  • VTP – Vertical Tail Plane
  • VTR – Video Tape Reproducer
  • VTS – Vacuum Toilet System
  • VU – Virtual Unit
  • VV – Velocity Vector

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  • W – West
  • W – White
  • WABSIC – Wheel And Brake System Integrated Component
  • WACS – Wireless Airport Communication System
  • WAI – Wing Anti-Ice
  • WAP – Wireless Access Point
  • WARN – Warning
  • WBA – Weight and Balance Application
  • WBBC – Weight and Balance Backup Computation
  • WBC – Weight & Balance Computer
  • WBM – Weight and Balance Manual
  • WBS – Weight and Balance System
  • WD – Warning Display
  • WD – Wing Datum
  • WD – Wiring Diagram
  • WDB – Wall Disconnect Box
  • WDM – Wiring Diagram Manual
  • WFOV – Wide Field of View
  • WG – Wire Group
  • WG – Wing
  • WGD – Windshield Guidance Display
  • WGDC – Windshield Guidance Display Computer
  • WGDS – Windshield Guidance Display System
  • WGL – Wireless Ground Link
  • WHC – Window Heat Computer
  • WHL – Wheel
  • WINDML – Windmilling
  • WIP – Wing Ice Protection
  • WIPCU – Water Ice Protection Control Unit
  • WIPDU – Water Ice Protection Data Unit
  • WIPS – Wing Ice Protection System
  • WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network
  • WLC – Wing Lower Cover
  • WLDP – Warning Light Display Panel
  • WLG – Wing Landing Gear
  • WLM – Wireless LAN Manager
  • WLU – Wireless LAN Unit
  • WMEL – Wall Mounted Emergency Light
  • WOJ – Weight On Jacks
  • WOW – Weight On Wheels
  • WPT – Waypoint
  • WRCS – Windshield Rapid Curing System
  • WRDC – Wheel Remote Data Concentrator
  • WRG – Wiring
  • WRK – Work
  • WRK – Working
  • WS – Wireless System
  • WSC – Window Shade Controller
  • WSCS – Wheel Steering Control System
  • WSHLD – Windshield
  • WSSG – Warning System Symbol Generator
  • WT – Weight
  • WTB – Wing Tip Brake
  • WTR – Water
  • WX – Weather Mode (ND)
  • WXR – Weather Radar
  • WoffW – Weight off Wheels

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  • X – Cross
  • X – Trans
  • X BLEED – Crossbleed
  • X FEED – Crossfeed
  • X LINE – Crossline
  • X VALVE – Cross Valve
  • X-TALK – Cross-talk
  • XBAR – Crossbar
  • XCHECK – Crosscheck
  • XCVR – Transceiver
  • XDCR – Transducer
  • XFMR – Transformer
  • XFR – Transfer
  • XING – Crossing
  • XLOAD – Crossload
  • XLTR – Translator
  • XMSN – Transmission
  • XMTR – Transmitter
  • XPDR – Transponder
  • XWIND – Crosswind


  • Y – Yellow
  • Y/C – Economy Class


  • Z – Greenwich Mean Time
  • Z – Zone
  • ZC – Zone Controller
  • ZFCG – Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
  • ZFW – Zero Fuel Weight


  • eADL – enhanced Airborne Data Loader
  • hPFD – harmonized Primary Flight Display

Note : For education purpose only.