B737 Audio Control Panel

Transmitter Selector (MIC SELECTOR) Switches
- Illuminated: Indicates the related switch is active.
- Push:
- Selects the related communication system for subsequent transmission.
- Only one switch may be selected at a time; pushing a second switch deselects the first switch.
- Reception is possible over the selected system regardless of whether the related receiver switch is on.
Receiver Switches
- Illuminated (white): Indicates the related switch is active.
- Rotate: Adjusts volume.
- Push:
- Allows reception of the related communication system or navigation receiver.
- Multiple switches may be selected.
- Push again: Deselects the related system or receiver.
Push-to-Talk Switch
- RADIO (Radio-Transmit): Keys the oxygen mask or boom microphone for transmission as selected by the transmitter selector.
- INT (Interphone): Keys the oxygen mask or boom microphone for direct transmission over the flight interphone, bypassing the transmitter selector.
Filter Switch
- V (Voice): Receives NAV and ADF voice audio.
- B (Both): Receives NAV and ADF voice and range audio.
- R (Range): Receives NAV and ADF station identifier range (code) audio.
CALL Light
- Illuminated (white):
- Accompanied by a chime, indicates a call received by SELCAL, ACARS (if installed), ground crew (INT), SATCOM (if installed), or flight crew (CABIN).
- Resets when the transmitter is selected and the microphone is keyed.
- PA does not have a CALL indication.
Ground Crew Call Light
- Illuminated: Indicates a call to the flight deck initiated by ground crew using the Pilot Call Switch at the external power receptacle.
- Light extinguishes when the ground crew releases the switch.
- Accompanied by a single high-tone chime.
Speaker (SPKR) Switch
- Illuminated (white): Indicates the SPKR switch is active.
- Push: Adds or removes communication audio from the flight deck speaker.
- Rotate: Controls the communication audio volume in the flight deck speaker.
Cabin Call Light
- Illuminated: Indicates a call to the flight deck by an attendant.
- Accompanied by a single high-tone chime.
Alternate-Normal (ALT-NORM) Switch
- NORM (Normal): The ACP operates normally.
- ALT (Alternate): The ACP operates in degraded mode.
SAT Switch
Push – Terminates the SATCOM call connection.