B737 Cockpit Voice Recorder Panel

Area Microphone
- Activated: When an engine is started or the VOICE RECORDER switch is placed in the ON position.
ERASE Switch (red)
- Push (2 seconds):
- All four channels are erased.
- Operative only when the airplane is on the ground and the parking brake is set.
TEST Switch
- Push:
- Press for 1 second, then release.
- STATUS light illuminates once within 6 seconds.
- A tone may be heard through a headset plugged into the HEADPHONE jack within 6 seconds.
CAUTION: Depressing the TEST Switch for longer than 2 seconds will erase all CVR recorded data.
- Headphone may be plugged into jack to monitor tone transmission during test, or to monitor playback of voice audio.
- Illuminated (momentary green) – no faults are detected during recorder TEST.
- AUTO – powers the cockpit voice recorder from first engine start until 5 minutes after last engine shutdown.
- ON – powers the cockpit voice recorder until first engine start, then trips the switch to AUTO.