B737 ELT Control Panel

ELT Panel

Emergency Locator Transmitter ON Light

  • Illuminated (amber): ELT has been activated and is simultaneously transmitting on 121.5, 243.0, and 406.0 MHz.

Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Switch

  • ON: ELT transmits continuously.
  • ARMED: ELT starts transmitting if high deceleration is sensed.
  • RESET (spring-loaded to the ARMED position):
    • Momentary selection (between 1-3 seconds) and release stops ELT transmission.
    • Select and hold starts self-test.
    • Note: Holding the ELT switch in the RESET position longer than 3 seconds will cause the ELT to resume transmitting.
    • Note: The ELT self-test should only be performed by qualified maintenance personnel.