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Panel Location: P5 FWD OverheadREVERSER COMMAND Light
- Illuminated (amber) – The reverse thrust lever is not in the down position in flight.
- Illuminated (amber) – The air/ground thrust reverser logic has failed.
- Illuminated (amber) –
- On the ground:
- A fault has occurred in the thrust reverser system.
- In-flight:
- A fault in the thrust reverser system limits reverse thrust.
- Thrust reverser will not deploy, or reverse thrust will be limited to idle.
- Illuminated (amber) – The engine control system is not dispatchable due to faults in the system.
- Light operates when:
- Engine is operating, and
- Airplane is on the ground, and:
- Below 80 knots prior to takeoff, or
- Approximately 30 seconds after touchdown.
Electronic Engine Control (EEC) Switches
- ON – In view (white)
- Indicates normal control mode is selected.
- Engine ratings calculated by EEC from sensed atmospheric conditions and bleed air demand.
- When ON is not in view, the EEC has been manually selected to the alternate mode.
- ALTN – In view (amber)
- Indicates EEC has automatically switched to alternate control mode or has been selected manually.
- EEC provides rated thrust or higher.
- Both ON and ALTN may be in view if EEC has automatically switched to soft alternate mode.
- EGT limits must be observed in both normal and alternate control modes.