B737 GPWS Control Panel

BELOW Glideslope (G/S) light

On Panel P1 and P3

  • The BELOW G/S light illuminates when the GPWS senses excessive deviation below the ILS or GLS glideslope or the FMC-generated flight path angle.
  • Illuminated (amber) – below glideslope alert is active.
  • Push – inhibits ground proximity GLIDESLOPE alert when below 1,000 feet radio altitude.

Inoperative (INOP) light

  • Illuminated (amber) – GPWS computer malfunction or power loss.
  • Invalid inputs are being received from radio altimeter, ADIRU, ILS receiver, IRS, FMC, stall management computers, DPC, or EFIS control panel.

Runway Inoperative (INOP) Light

  • RAAS failure
  • GPS position accuracy is inadequate
  • the airport is not in the GPWS database

Ground Proximity System Test (SYS TEST) Switch

  • momentarily on ground:
    • BELOW G/S and GPWS INOP lights illuminate
    • TERR FAIL and TERR TEST show on navigation displays
    • PULL UP and WINDSHEAR alerts illuminate
    • GLIDE SLOPE, PULL UP, and WINDSHEAR aurals sound
    • terrain display test pattern shows on navigation displays
    • CAUTION TERRAIN aural sounds and TERRAIN caution
      message shows on navigation displays.
    • AIRSPEED LOW (airplanes with AIRSPEED LOW aural).
  • until self-test aurals begin, on ground, above indications always occur first, followed by these additional aurals:
    • radio altitude based alerts
    • bank angle alert
    • approach callouts
    • windshear alert
    • look ahead terrain alerts
  • system test inhibited in-flight.

Ground Proximity FLAP INHIBIT Switch

  • FLAP INHIBIT – inhibits ground proximity TOO LOW FLAPS alert.
  • NORM (guarded position) – Normal TOO LOW FLAPS alert active.

Ground Proximity GEAR INHIBIT Switch

  • GEAR INHIBIT – inhibits ground proximity TOO LOW GEAR alert.
  • NORM (guarded position) – Normal TOO LOW GEAR alert active.

Ground Proximity Terrain Inhibit (TERR INHIBIT) Switch

  • TERR INHIBIT – inhibits look–ahead terrain alerts and terrain display.
  • NORM (guarded position) – Normal terrain alerts and terrain display active.