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P8 AFT ELECTRONICSTransponder (ATC) Selector
- 1 – Selects transponder No. 1.
- 2 – Selects transponder No. 2.
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Code Selector
- Rotate – Sets transponder code in the transponder.
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Code Indicator
- Displays transponder code.
- Shows the operating transponder (1 or 2).
Transponder Mode Selector
- TEST – Starts ATC transponder functional test.
- STBY (standby) – Does not transmit.
- ALT (altitude reporting) OFF – Transponder operates without altitude reporting.
- ALT (altitude reporting) ON – Transponder operates with altitude reporting.
- TA (traffic advisory) – Enables the display of traffic advisory (TA) targets.
- TA/RA (resolution advisory) – Enables the display of traffic advisory (TA) and resolution advisory (RA) targets.
Identification (IDENT) Switch
- Push – Transmits an identification signal.
Transponder (ATC) FAIL Light
- Illuminated (amber) –
- Indicates transponder malfunction, or
- ADS-B inoperative.
Altitude (ALT) Selector
- 1 – Enables altitude reporting from air data computer No. 1.
- 2 – Enables altitude reporting from air data computer No. 2.